Chapter 16

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A RINGING PHONE WOKE HER. She hadn't slept that soundly in a while. She didn't even remember dreaming.

"Knew it was too good to last." She mumbled the words to her empty apartment and lifted up the phone. "Hello."

"Maddy, I've been trying to reach you." It was Terry.

His words reminded her that her cell was off. Maybe now, he would know how it felt not being able to reach someone when you needed to. "What is it?"

"Your cell kept ringing to voice mail. I'm down in the lobby."


"We've got Layton."


PART OF HER FELT SADDENED by the end of the chase. Most of her silently celebrated its fulfillment. Layton's license photograph did him no justice. Madison didn't consider him an attractive man, although, at this angle at least above average. He wore glasses, unlike in the photo, but this worked in his favor. Somehow, they suited him. He sat in the interrogation room wearing a suit and tie and looking less amused than most.

"Where did you find him?"

Terry said, "Higgins picked him up. You were right. He went back to Sandra's."

"What's with the getup?"

"The suit? He says he came from Laura's gravesite. Said he left a card and flowers if we wanted to verify it."

"Send someone out there."

"Already have."

Madison kept her attention on Layton. "He's mine."

Terry held the door open for her.

Layton leaned back in his chair when she walked through the door and crossed his legs. Madison caught a glimpse of his shoes. Large. Size twelve, maybe. Just like the muddy print impression in Laura's house.

"Why were you hiding from us?"

"I wasn't hiding from you."

"Your ex-girlfriend was murdered. You know anything about that?"


"Where were you last Saturday night?"

Layton appeared to withdraw from her gaze. Her question hung in the air, and his face paled. His tone changed when he spoke. "I came to you willingly. I didn't have to."

"We would have found you anyway." She slapped the photo of Laura on the table.

He averted his eyes from it.

"Why did you do it?"

"I didn't."

"Answer the question then. Where were you last Saturday night?"

She saw him swallow.

"It's not going to look good for me."

"Try us," Terry said.

"Guess it would depend on what time."

Madison stood. "We don't have time for bullshit. Why don't you give us a complete recap from, say, six in the evening 'til...heck, let's say three Sunday morning." She sensed Terry's eyes on her. Maybe she was a bit aggressive. Maybe she would silence him into requesting a lawyer, but all she could see was Laura's dead body and her right to justice.

"I know my rights. I don't have to speak to you."

"If you know something about her murder, you do." Madison shrugged. "Otherwise we'll lock you up as an accessory. Minimum."

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