Chapter 15

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MADISON HATED FUNERALS. Too bad they were necessary. Laura's body had been released earlier in the week. The arrangements were simple with a graveside eulogy blended with a mix of Scripture. The casket was spread open. Creamy silk lined the interior and Laura appeared to sleep peacefully in the midst of it.

Madison arrived early and offered further condolences to the Saunders before backing away to observe from a distance. Terry bailed on her again, claiming he had things to manage on the home front. His excuses were piling up and becoming old. He never had the same focus as she did, but usually he had some.

Even in the shade of the maple tree, the sun poured through the branches, making for another sweltering day. She squinted her eyes to slits to cut out the glare. Her sunglasses were somewhere. She just didn't know where. That would make three pairs in the last month.

More people arrived and made their way to the Saunders. More hugs, handshakes, and tears. She kept her eyes out for the rental, a Chevy Malibu, and any sign of Photo Guy. Maybe she'd get lucky and round up both of them.

She stayed until everyone left, and when she finally accepted her Saturday was wasted, she turned her cell off and called it an early night. If Layton had cared about Laura at all, he would have shown up.

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