Chapter 48

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HAVEN OF HOPE WAS AN old colonial mansion that sat in the middle of landscaped gardens and manicured lawns. Its presence seemed overwhelming, and Madison could only imagine how intimidating it would be to small children.

"Remember we need to tread lightly."

Madison rolled her eyes. "I realize that, Casanova. You always have to point out the obvious?"


A WOMAN WALKED TOWARD THEM. Her hair was pulled back tightly into a bun, making her facial features taut.

Madison extended a hand and nodded in the direction of the woman sitting behind the reception desk. "We were told to speak with you."

When they walked in, they met with a woman behind the front desk who came across as caring and sympathetic at first. At least she was when she thought they were making arrangements to either adopt or leave their expectant baby there. But as soon as they stated the nature of their visit, her attitude changed. It left Madison slightly self-conscious about her midsection.

"You're not fat." Terry tried to reassure her.

She knew she wasn't, but for a stranger to surmise that she was pregnant...

"If she thought you were pregnant, she must have thought just inseminated. Maybe you have that glow."

"Man, Terry, shut your mouth." The thought of a baby growing inside nauseated her. The thought that this lady assumed Terry was the father even more so. Not that Terry was unattractive, but he was more like a brother, the thought carrying with it the weight of incest.

Madison said, "You're Connie Miller, correct?"

The woman nodded as they shook hands.

Madison picked up on Connie's quick glance at Terry and the way her eyelids sagged.

"This is Detective O'Malley, and I'm Detective Rodriguez," Madison said, feeling Terry's glare burning through the side of her head. She ignored it and smiled at Connie. "Do you have somewhere we could talk in private?"

Connie's attention settled on Terry. The attraction was confirmed. Madison was pleased as she realized how she could work this to their advantage.

"This way." She spoke over her shoulder to ensure they were following and smiled at Terry.

Madison wondered if the woman tried extra hard to swing her hips, or if they actually heaved that much naturally. She smirked at Terry, and he rubbed his knuckles against his chest in a motion to communicate he thought of himself as hot. She rolled her eyes.

"O'Malley and Rodriguez?" Terry whispered to her. "Couldn't come up with something more original?"

"Shut up." She smiled.

They were led into an office with mahogany walls. The woman sat behind an ordinary desk and gestured for them to sit in two chairs positioned in front of it.

"What can I do for you?" She addressed Terry with a flirtatious overture.

Madison turned to him and tried to communicate through her eyes for him to take it from here.

"We're working on an investigation and could use your help."

Connie leaned forward, her arms crossed and rested on the desk. "Unfortunately, without a court order, we're not supposed to release any confidential information."

"Miss Miller or is it Mrs.," Terry began.


Madison could swear the woman blushed under Terry's watch.

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