Chapter 49

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"YOU'VE GOT TO STOP THE HEARING," Madison pleaded with her boss. She made it to the parking lot before making the call. "We've got the wrong guy."

"Knight." The sergeant spoke at such a high volume she held her cell away from her ear. Terry, who sat in the passenger seat, could likely hear him clearly. "You're not doing this to me—"

"But I can tell you, it will all line up. You've got to trust me." She had explained in the amount of detail he would listen to about how the DNA in identical twins can be similar. He seemed disinterested. She discussed how the facial features in the photo weren't a perfect match to Ethan. She shared the inconsistency of the fingerprints not matching. And their most recent conclusion, Evan had more of a motive and a past connection to all three women.

"I trusted you last time. I don't want to hear another word about it."

"But, boss."

"Not another word." The line was disconnected, leaving a dial tone.

"Damn it, he hung up on me." She hit the steering wheel. "Fine, then you know what we're going to do, Terry? We're going to get Evan and pull him downtown, prove without a doubt that he did it."

"How do you propose we do that? I think this is the point where I want out." He waved his hand at her, and she turned to face him. "What do you expect, Maddy? We charged the guy. He's in front of the DA tomorrow. He's likely spent a fortune in attorney fees already. We're just supposed to barge in there with little more than a motive and connection?" She opened her mouth to speak, but he continued. "They'll sue the department. We'll lose our jobs."

"I think he'd prefer to regain his freedom, his name, and his family, don't you?" Madison referred to his comment about Ethan's legal fees.

"Fine. I'll stick with you but if, or should I say when, the crap hits the fan, I'll be pointing the finger at you."

"Wow, thanks."

"Don't mention it." He paused for a moment. "Probably will regret saying this, but you could be right about all of this."

Madison kept her eyes on the road. "Thanks for the vote of confidence."

THE THREE-HOUR DRIVE BACK to the city felt longer than when they left. They had a bit of a late start to the journey as it was and didn't make it back until shortly before ten. The sun had set, and darkness blanketed the city with the exception of the glow of city lights.

"Ah, the smell of exhaust," Terry said. "I'll take it any day over manure." They both laughed.

"Hear from Annabelle?" She knew they were together most of the evening, but there were times when they were apart.


She decided she'd leave it at that. "Okay, well, here it is." She pulled into the parking lot of the apartment complex indicated for Ethan Younge, the former Evan Frost, and it reminded her of where Rachel lived.

After knocking about ten times and yelling out it was the police, a person from the neighboring apartment opened the door.

"He's obviously not there, assholes." The person slammed their door shut.

Madison was ready to pound him, but Terry stopped her. "Let this one go." He had to stare her down to win ground.

Dejected, she sighed loudly. "I thought we had him, Terry."

"I know."

She tried to put herself in Evan's mind. Where would she be if she had killed three women and framed her brother for it? If she was so obsessed with the life she didn't have, to the point of changing her birth name, what would be the next logical step to get what Ethan had?

She stopped walking and turned to Terry. The parking lot lights cast enough illumination to see him clearly. "I know where he is."

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