Chapter 24

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LOU MANN'S ALIBI CHECKED OUT, and with no way to prove his involvement they let him go. Madison had to convince herself this case wouldn't become like the other one.

She could picture the defense attorney's body slumped in his driveway with two bullets in him, one to the chest, and one to the forehead execution style. With that case, the main aggravation laid in the fact she knew the Russian mafia was involved but had no way of proving it.

Her projection of guilt from the past transferred to the current case and focused on her partner. Maybe if Terry were available and didn't continually run off on her, the case would have a better chance of being solved. Her desk phone rang. "Detective Kni—"

"Please tell me you've got her killer."

Madison recognized the voice that was small and shallow. It was Mrs. Saunders.

The woman continued. "The paper says someone was brought in for questioning. Is it that Jeff guy? Why didn't you call us?"

Madison held the phone tight to her ear and emotionally fought to distance herself. "Please know I'm doing all I can to have the right man held responsible."

The line fell silent for a moment. "You don't think he did it." She began sobbing, but Madison also heard mumbled voices.

Mr. Saunders took over. "What is this nonsense my wife's saying you said?"

Madison worked at softening her tone. "All I can say is, Laura's murderer will be held accountable." She pressed her thumb and fingers in a flexing motion to her temples. "You have my word on that." And there it was—the solemn oath that drove any respectable cop, spoken aloud. Did they still carry meaning after all the times she had said them? "I'll call you, Mr. Saunders, once there's any more to tell. You have my—"

"I know. I have your word." He hung up.

The click of the receiver delivered mixed emotions. She poured her soul into her efforts and sacrificed a social life for her job. And this unappreciative attitude was her reward? She felt slighted as if slapped in the face. Maybe it was time to take a breather.

She depressed speed dial three on her cell. Cynthia answered on the second ring.

"Tomorrow can work. Say seven."

Madison was disappointed her friend couldn't get together tonight. "Sounds good. My place, food delivery, chick flicks..."


"And wine."

"Now you have me."

Both women shared a laugh, but it was broken by a man's voice saying Madison's name. Again, she recognized the voice without turning to look. "I've got to go." Madison hung up and turned to face both her partner and Sergeant Winston. Seeing Terry with him made her question loyalties.

Sergeant Winston said, "Layton is threatening a lawsuit for harassment."

Madison stood to her feet. "Like he has a chance. So many things pointed to his involvement."

"Maybe you shouldn't have kept him so long."

"The only reason we held him so long, Sergeant, may I remind you, is because of the two of you." Madison nodded toward Terry. "I would have let him go sooner. But you wanted me to hold off releasing him. It was you and Terry pushing me on Layton to close the case."

"There's no need to take that tone." Winston's eyes met hers.

She let out a sigh and rolled her eyes. "Is it too much to ask for some respect?"

"I was wondering the same thing. Maybe you should take a few days off and relax."

"In the middle of an investigation?"

"There's always going to be one—"

"Fine then, you know what? I will take you up on that." She shrugged her shoulders. "Was kind of thinking of taking a break anyway." She walked away.

Maybe she was overreacting, maybe she was taking things too personally, but that's what made her who she was. She wasn't some embodiment of an unfeeling individual. Her work was her lifeblood. It coursed through her and made her great at what she did. If they couldn't respect that aspect about her, then they missed the full picture.

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