Chapter 34

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MADISON SAT HOLDING BOTH WOMEN'S photographs in front of her. Besides the similarity in age, there wasn't a whole lot in appearance that made them alike. Laura was blonde, whereas Heather had black hair. Laura's hair was long, Heather's was short. Laura, Caucasian, Heather, Asian. Both women had a different relationship status. But what was the common link, and what motivated their killer? Neither of the women had any open restraining orders or a history of one. Why couldn't it be that easy?

Her cell rang. She picked up without glancing at the identity. "Knight." It was Richards. She listened to him and hung up. She looked over at Terry, who sat at his desk facing her. "We've got to go the morgue. Richards just called."

"Sure." He nodded, pressing his lips to the paper cup as he took a sip of coffee.

She could tell his mind had gone back to Annabelle and their marriage. So much for the man who had been fascinated by the thought of two women not too long ago.

AS THEY WALKED IN, Richards lifted a white sheet off Heather Nguyen. "Thought you'd want to see this for yourself." He pointed to a large bruise on her cheekbone. "Assigning a timeline to bruising is not an exact science, but since it didn't show up until now, it tells me it happened perimortem or just prior to death. And I'd say from its appearance, it was caused by a direct blow, possibly a fist."

Madison rounded the table. "So he bound the first victim with handcuffs, and the second he sucker punched in the face? Quite a difference." The killer was escalating. Not only did he want to take their last breath, he wanted to inflict further pain prior to doing so. He needed to feel in control and powerful. Maybe after he knocked her out, he took the time to look at her pendant? But why make that pause?

"None of her facial bones were broken. He only hit her hard enough to knock her down. Knight..." Richards's words pulled her from her thoughts. "Are you hearing anything I'm saying?"

"Terry, we've got to get this guy before he gets to his next victim. If you were him, who would you go for next?" She didn't expect a response. They didn't know the connection between the two women, yet logic dictated there should be a link.

Terry shrugged. "At this point, I have no idea."

She placed a hand on her holster. "I'm at a loss. For the first time—"

"I wouldn't go that far," Terry said. She picked up on the teasing nature in his voice but cast him a look to stop there.

Terry continued with words of encouragement about how they were only at the beginning of the investigation, but his attempt at consolation fell on unreceptive ears. It killed her that she didn't have it figured out already. Technically, they weren't at the beginning with this. Laura's murder was over two weeks ago—two weeks ago, and another victim later. How could she silence her conscience when perfectionism told her another woman was dead because of her?


THEY WENT BACK TO THEIR DESKS, and both sat down.

"Where to next?" Madison asked.

Terry leaned back in his chair, tapped a pen on the arm. "So, let's go back to the DMV and—"

"No luck. I've been down that road."

"No, listen to me, Maddy. You broadened the search on the year, but..." He stopped there.

"I'm listening."

He smiled. "I can't believe you never thought of this. My, I'm a sheer genius."

"Spit it out already, genius, I haven't got all day."

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