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"SO ARE YOU GOING TO LET ME IN OR WHAT? It's freezing out here." Madison stood on the front steps of Terry's house.

He blocked entry, letting the warm air heat the chill of winter, looking over and around her. "Where's Blake?"

Madison scrunched up her face. "Not here."

"But I thought you two were a hot item."

She bounced up and down in an effort to keep warm and finally gave up on the etiquette of him inviting her in and brushed past him.

He smiled. "Hey, I didn't say you could come in."

"When you asked me for drinks and dinner, yes, you did." She let out a small laugh.

"Fine." He closed the door behind them. "But you didn't answer my question."

"Oh, I didn't?"

Terry shook his head.

She had been seeing the lawyer for the months following Younge's release. In a single moment of weakness, she had agreed to a drink. She blamed it on the love she saw with Ethan and his family. It made her realize she missed that in her life. Although, having been burnt in love before, she would play it slow and cautious.

Terry kept looking at her with big eyes like a hound. Speaking of which... "Where are Todd and Bailey?" Maybe it would take the focus off her relationship status.

"Don't sidestep my question about Blake with another question."

"But why not?" A smile spread on her lips when she realized she did it again. Terry was smiling as well, but his eyes revealed a growing curiosity. "You seriously want to know?" She gave it a few seconds and then continued. "The simple truth is we're not at that point in our relationship yet."

"Not at what point?"

"We're not at the point in our relationship where we spend Christmas with each other's families."

Her explanation made him go quiet for a while, and then a huge smile engulfed his face. "That's so touching, Maddy."


"You think of me as family." He moved forward to hug her, but she laughed.

"Oh shut up." She punched him in the shoulder. He pretended to be in pain. "Here, take my coat and purse, would you?" She tossed them at him, and he caught them.

"Hey, we have a gift for you. I'm not sure if you deserve it now."

"We agreed no gifts." They had discussed it at length. It was to save each other the regret of buying something inferior and getting into a lengthy competition over it. "You'll need all your money for the baby. You should have saved it."

Terry and his wife had made up not long after Ethan Younge was exonerated of all charges. Terry left in a hurry that day because he realized how short life is, and the unexpected turns it can take. He didn't want another moment wasted on the we-should-haves or we-could-haves.

"Come on, don't deflate me like that. Besides, it didn't cost too much."

She caught a glimpse of a chocolate lab puppy peeking out of the doorway from the seating area. He had a red bow on his neck. She felt her chest tighten.

"Speaking of your gift..."

Panic seized her. The responsibility, the hair...

Terry bent to his haunches. "Come here, buddy." The little guy walked over equally nervous as curious. Terry scooped him in a blanket that hung over the banister.

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