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Taehyung looks around. It's dark, as it always is.

"It's dark, huh?" His friend, Jimin, talks to him like he's blind, which Taehyung laughs at. Jimin knows lots of things about him. Things nobody knows. Things nobody wants to know. Jimin's been his only friend, that he can name, anyway. His 'friend' at school, Namjoon, left him not long after finding out he was gay. To be honest, Taehyung was glad he got rid of him before it got worse. "It's darker than usual."

"I don't like it," Taehyung finally speaks back to Jimin, catching him off guard. No; he's spoken before, but his voice seems deeper than usual. Jimin doesn't mind, and so he smiles at his younger friend. "It scares me." Taehyung and Jimin were both 16, so they knew what each other liked; something his other friends couldn't do, for some reason. They never seemed to understand him. Which always caught Taehyung off guard. What was hard to understand? To him, he was perfectly normal.

Then again, you can think about whatever you want in your dreams, right?

"What're you thinking about, Taehyung?" Jimin suddenly asks, noticing his silence. Taehyung chooses not to answer, as he continues to think about things that don't really exist.

But, what exists and what doesn't?

Jimin sighs once more, and stands up. "Do you have any more friends yet, TaeTae?" Taehyung suddenly spirals back to reality. Well, what he says is 'reality'.

"Nope. Everyone avoids me." He tells his closest friend, who snorts and doubles over in response. The orange haired male doesn't find this funny, yet his silver haired friend certainly does. Taehyung rolls his eyes, and Jimin stops laughing.

"Serious?" Jimin asks and all Taehyung does is nod. "Tae, come on, it's been 3 years! Branch out, I'm not going to be here forever." He chuckles yet the last bit hurt them both. They both knew, one day, Jimin would leave - it's inevitable. The fact alone made them both upset. Jimin frowns yet laughs. "It's ok, I'll be here for as long as I can, ok?"

"That's not a very long time," Taehyung states and Jimin pats his back.

"It's for however long you want it to be."


Taehyung wakes up to his alarm at 3.am, and his parents don't wake up -- they haven't for the past 5 years. He gets dressed for school and opens the door to see Jimin. He smiles and fixes his denim jacket before they both leave the house, for school. Thankfully, Jimin follows Taehyung everywhere - so he's never alone, though he technically is.

"Hey, look, it's that loser who's a faggot!" Namjoon yells, causing his 4 other friends - Seokjin, Yoongi, Jungkook and Hoseok to laugh, though Hoseok doesn't really laugh, it's a pity laugh. Like he doesn't want to be there.

"They're just jealous," Jimin tells Taehyung, and he smiles to himself - though he's smiling at Jimin, until Namjoon laughs at him more.

"Why're you smiling, gay boy?"

"Ignore them."

"I'm trying, Jimin."

"Who's Jimin? Your imaginary boyfriend?" Namjoon teases once more, before Taehyung finally has enough.

"..Fuck off." He whispers, yet Namjoon hears it all too clear, and slowly backs away. He's never heard Taehyung speak before - so to hear him swear is a shock.

"Woah, calm down." Yoongi snipes, "What's wrong, did we offend you? Or did you finally realise that none of your friends are real? They're all in your head."

"Guys, stop." Is all Hoseok says before they all leave.

"They're stupid." Taehyung says to himself - though it's to Jimin - as he slides down the wall and grips onto his hair. "Why won't they go away! Why can't I stop them! Jimin, what do I do?! I'm going insane!!" He starts screaming, and kicking all over the place, and all Jimin can do is watch with a sad face.

"I want to help..." Jimin starts off slow. "Tell them to stop. Tell everything to stop."

"But you'll go."

"I'll go one day anyway."

Taehyung frowns, yet starts screaming again, remembering what happens with his parents. This time, he starts crying but nobody stops to help. People are walking past, not having a care in the world. Jimin wants to scream too; but there's no point. The only person who can hear him is Taehyung.

"Tae, Tae, Tae, calm down, it's ok. It's going to be ok, I swear, please Tae." Jimin whispers, going to lean forward to embrace him; but he remembers it's not a good idea. Instead, he keeps whispering it into Tae's ear, hoping he calms down. Which he does, eventually. Jimin smiles and remembers Taehyung has to go to lesson when the bell rings.


Taehyung doesn't do much in class. He avoids everyone, and gives them dirty looks if they try and speak to him, which results in everyone hating him and saying things that aren't true about him. It totally ruined his image, but it didn't start very high either, once Seungsik heard him talking to himself, and he told his friends Seungwoo, Subin, Sejun and Hanse, who eventually told the whole school with help of Byungchan and Heochan. 

Taehyung sighs once more, and Yunsung stares at him. "Did I fucking ask you to make a noise?" Taehyung shakes his head and returns to being quiet.

Jimin looks at him, pity written all over his face from his seat next to Wooseok, who had a smug face on him.

"Also, where'd you get your jacket? In a bin? Dress nicely, bitch."

Taehyung would love to, yet he can't afford nice clothes. He can barely afford nice food, yet he only gets food at school; since, well, he lives alone -- let's say.

Jimin wants to yell at them, but he can't. He's just a figment of Taehyung's imagination. But then again, isn't everything just a figment of our own imaginations?

"Yunsung! Why're you talking to a reject?" His friend, Seunghwan, yells from the other side of the classroom. The teacher isn't even there to stop them, which is why Taehyung hates this class. The teacher's never there, yet the staff claims that there is one in their classroom. "You know, he killed his parents."

Taehyung starts shaking. Suddenly, he's crying, and he doesn't know why. He's reminded of his parents, and how they smashed into that tree all those years ago, and how he was the only one who lived - even his 2-year-old brother, Rowoon, died in the accident. Yunsung starts laughing, and Seunghwan - like the little fucker he is - begins to snort along with his mates.

"F-Fuck..." Taehyung whispers to himself. "Not again."

"Tae, are you ok-"

Jimin couldn't finish, because Taehyung fainted.



this is a fanfiction i got an idea for in art? like there was a board and it said "dont call them dreams" and i whispered, "call them reality", and then i made this ;)

enjoy it ig lmao

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