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It's after a week that Taehyung finds out Chungha, in fact, has a girlfriend.

It's not a big deal, but when she finally told him; Taehyung felt as if he was trusted for once in life. And yes - Jimin was still slightly mad at him, but it wasn't as exasperated as the other day. 

Taehyung could actually arrive into his room without being booted out. 

And so that brought us to when Taehyung & Jimin were finally able to rest since it was the weekend, and Taehyung had concluded all of his homework. 

"So who even is Chungha's girlfriend?" Jimin decides to ask since he was uninterested, and they had been sitting in a pleasant taciturnity, with Jimin reading a book while Taehyung was watching a drama on his laptop that Jimin had heard him snorting at for the last 2 hours.

"Oh." Taehyung pauses the drama and takes his headphones out, staring at Jimin. "Say that again?"

"Who's Chungha's girlfriend that I've heard about?" Jimin knows he shouldn't ask about things like that, because he felt as if Taehyung would've told him, if he was allowed to ask. After debating to himself for a while, he regretted even asking. He bit his lip, and he quietly returned back to reading his book, since Taehyung hadn't said anything for about a minute. 

"H-her..." Taehyung stutters as if he had to think. Which, he did. He thought about whether or not he should tell him about her girlfriend, but really, what was the harm? Jimin couldn't be heard, not seen by anyone else, so why was Taehyung even worrying? "Her name's Kim Sejeong." 

"Oh, I haven't heard of her previously," 

"Haven't you? Her vocals are remarkably good." 

"Oh, really?" Jimin emits, and Taehyung just chuckles before returning to his drama that Jimin had stopped him from watching. He wasn't complaining, but Jimin had tried to speak to him at times like this and was then confused as to why he hadn't responded. If Jimin didn't try and speak to him like this, he would've concluded the stupid drama by now. 


Hyeri rings Taehyung and tells him to return to where Hyeri and Minah had been "keeping" for the last month. He sighs at this. It's not that he doesn't like it or them, he just wants to spend time with Jimin. Alone. 

He groans all the way there and slumps slightly as he knocks on the door and gets greeted by Minah's warm embrace, which makes Jimin feel slightly apprehensive, albeit for the love of him - he doesn't try and expose his distressed self since it's really ridiculous. It's not like either of the women would get with him, and they wouldn't dare try anything on him, since like Sejeong & Chungha; Hyeri and Minah were also dating, so why would either of them want to get with a youthful lad?

Jimin puffs out some air, and thanks the gods for permitting him to possess some time alone, since that's really what he needs. He requires some time to think for himself. 

He exhales somewhat loudly and gawks off within the expanse. Is his service really doing aught for Taehyung? Is he actually required? Why hasn't Taehyung acquired any friends as of yet? Was it because of Jimin? Was Jimin holding him back? Admittedly, that was the cause, since Jimin was the one who's continuously there for him. And if he always has someone looking out for him, he needn't acquire companions.

Jimin hadn't even realised how long he'd be thinking. A second advanced than he would've desired, Taehyung came sprinting towards the disorientated older boy and immediately embraced him as if he hadn't seen him in months, which was definitely an over exaggeration on Taehyung's part, but nonetheless, Jimin wasn't complaining about the whole ordeal. 

"Jimin, are you okay?" Taehyung questions and Jimin beams since he's actually being solicitous towards the in significantly older boy. He doesn't do it often anymore since he converses to Hyeri & Minah a lot more recently. Jimin licks his lips and nods his head, albeit he's not even sure if he is alright, which he's seemingly not.  

"So, Taehyung." And with Hyeri's 2 words, Jimin's ignored again, "Who is this girl Chungha that I overheard you talking about before. What's she like?"

"Oh-" Taehyung sighs and creases his eyebrows together. "She's...nice." He says, trying to be careful with his future words. "She has a girlfriend, so, there's that."

Unbeknownst to Taehyung, Hyeri's face lights up. "Really?"

"Yea." Taehyung grins, "Her name's Sejeong." 

"Oh! I've heard of her before. Some kids called her 'God Sejeong', I dunno what it means but, you know," 

"Yeah, I know about that." Taehyung says with a smile on his face, "It's because of her vocals." 

"They're that good?"

"Yes." He nods, assuring her that he's telling the truth. 

"Wow, I'll have to hear them one day."

"Sure..." Taehyung trails off because he's not really interested in where the conversation was headed, so he goes to converse with Jimin. "How've you been recently? You've been quiet distant, do you wanna talk about it?"

"It's just," Jimin takes a big breath before saying, "you keep talking to Minah, or Hyeri, or Chungha and you forget about me--"

"I don't..."

"--and it's just..It's like I don't even exist, you know? I feel upset, lonely, neglected, and shit like that. It's fucking stupid, but, I feel upset about it."

"I'm sorry." 

"But it's not like it's just one day either. It's all the time, Tae, why are you doing it?"


"You know what, nevermind." Jimin dismisses whatever Taehyung was going to say next. "It doesn't even matter." 

"It does because you mention--"

"It. Doesn't. Matter." Jimin told him through gritted teeth as he tried to stress the point he was trying to make. 

"Fine, I notice we're not getting anywhere with this." 

"That's right, so we should leave it here." 


They had become formal for no real purpose, and neither of them as to when it occurred.

Jimin had randomly walked off, and all Taehyung did was go back to his corner of the room that he was given to stay in as he drifted off into a slumber, hoping that Jimin and he would sort things out.


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