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Taehyung is sitting in the teacher's office, staring at the clock. Currently, he's missed 5 minutes of his lesson. The one where he sits next to Jungkook, so it's not like he's complaining. He's one of the smarter kids, though, so he enjoys hard work, which is another reason why he's bullied.

Jimin holds his hand and says, "It'll be okay." 

"It won't," Taehyung tells him, "You won't be with me all the time. That's what I'm most worried about." 

Jimin nods his head; he knows what Taehyung's talking about. 

Suddenly, the door opens and Hyuna steps in. "So, who did it?" She asks as Taehyung starts panicking.

He doesn't know who to say. If he says it was Jungkook, he'll be beaten up so much he probably won't be able to walk correctly for the next 4 days. If he lies, it'll come back to him, because Hyuna's an expert at telling if someone's lying, "I-I'd prefer not to say, m-miss." Taehyung stutters, and Hyuna places a hand on his shoulders.

She lets out a sigh. "I can't help you, if you don't tell me." She says, and Taehyung nods, because he understands this. He just fears his life. 

"I don't want to tell you, miss, if that's ok. I'm afraid of what he can do." Taehyung tells her truthfully  since he trusts Hyuna a lot. She's the go-to teacher when something goes badly.

"Taehyung." She says, leaning back in her chair. "Please..I need you to tell me. Is it Jungkook"

Taehyung freezes. Hyuna notes this.

"It's Jungkook."

"Wait, miss-"

"I'll give him a punishment, don't worry." Hyuna gets up and is about to leave, when she notices Taehyung's eyes. She slowly sits back down and says, "I'm sorry." Quietly, though Taehyung hears.

"I-It's fine." He stutters, but it's not. She knows, he knows, everyone knows that it's NOT fine.

"I'm not going to do anything." She says, with a warm smile. "Now, I've finally noted why. Don't worry."

Taehyung nods his head, and thanks her before returning to lesson with her following behind.

When he walks over to his table, he notices that SinB isn't in. He doesn't mind too much, because they're not the best of friends, though they are friends. Infact - SinB's the only friend he has in this class.

Jimin's kneeled beside of him, under the table. Taehyung sends him a small smile before whispering, "Thank you." 

Jungkook, who hears, chuckles. "Stop talking to yourself, schizophrenic freak." He spits, and Hyuna glares at him, though he doesn't even notice.

Hyuna grunts. "Jungkook. That wasn't very nice."

Jungkook doesn't even say anything, and returns to 'doing his work'. Hyuna just screws up her face before going back to teaching. 

What Hyuna doesn't notice is Jungkook kicking his legs in secret under the table.

"That's for ratting me out, jerk. I told you not to! My family can't afford this shit. Fucking fag. Just mind your own business and stop ruining other's lives."

Taehyung sighs at this. He knows. He knows he's ruining other people's lives. He knows he's a burden in society. He knows that everyone wants him dead. He knows everyone hates him. He knows everyone would be better of not knowing him. He knows it would be beneficial for him to just kill himself.

But he doesn't. 

It's because of Jimin.

Jimin tells him that he's not ruining other's lives. Jimin tells him that he's not a burden - and that people enjoy his company. Jimin tells him that nobody wants him dead. Jimin tells him that nobody hates him. Jimin tells him that everyone's happy that they met Taehyung. Jimin tells him how distressed everyone would be if he killed himself. But Taehyung doesn't listen to any of this, because Jimin's just a voice in his head after all. 

However, Taehyung, at times - feels like Jimin's more than that. But he's not. He never will be. 

"Taehyung?" Hyuna asks, and she knows that she's lost him. His eyes are wide open, his mouth's open and he's drooling, and he's not responding to anything. Jimin looks at him in fear, and he doesn't know what to do either. "Does this happen a lot?" She asks the class, but nobody answers because nobody really cares about Taehyung.

"We don't notice it when it does." Milo explains, trying to sound innocent which managed to trick Hyuna who only nodded. "We've tried to, but sometimes it just happens. I've only seen it in one lesson before this. It was P.E." 

Hyuna frowns. "Does anyone else know if it happens on a regular basis?"

"SinB's friends with him." Sejun says with his feet up on the other chair adjacent to his own, with a lollipop stick in his mouth as he spoke, "I dunno if they're close or not."

"They're not," Jimin says - then he remembers he can't be heard by anyone but Taehyung, so he returns to shaking Taehyung's shoulders; since that works sometimes.

"Pretty sure they are," Byungchan says, and Sejun just starts clapping; and he begins laughing while choking. 

"Hm? What's funny?" Hyuna asks, and Sejun wipes his eyes.

"I can't imagine Taehyung getting close to a person of the female gender, I'm sorry." Sejun coughs, once he notices that nobody else is laughing. 

Suddenly, Taehyung begins coughing and then snaps back into reality. Everyone's looking at him, and he's not used to this, so his mouth dries up and he can't speak. 

"Taehyung? Are you ok?" Hyuna asks, and he nods his head.

Everyone around him just sighs and shakes their head.


"I'm such a fucking failure! I let everyone find out! Fuck." Taehyung swears as he gets home. He throws his bag onto the floor and locks the door, sliding down it with slight difficulty, because of the interesting patterns sticking out that hit his back. He slowly cradles his head and begins sobbing loudly. He finally just lets it all out, since there's nobody there to calm him down. He shortly begins shaking and that's when it all gets out of control. He begins crying really loudly, and that's when Jimin finds him. 

"Tae!" Jimin yells, and that's a nickname Taehyung's not heard for years. Jimin grabs his shoulder gently and massages it. "It'll be ok-"

"NO IT WON'T! IF I WERE TO GET BETTER, IT WOULD HAVE BEEN BETTER BY NOW! STOP WITH THESE LIES, JIMIN! I DON'T CARE!" He yells before running upstairs - to the bathroom. 

Jimin stands there; clueless of what to do next. He's worried about what Taehyung's going to do, since he knows what he's like, but he knows he can't do anything about it. 

Meanwhile, Taehyung looks for his favourite item, the razor. Once he finds it, he grabs it and slowly drags it across his arm, and makes sure it's going to leave a scar before he presses it deeper, because he wants to really "feel" the pain. Once he's done, he cleans up and goes to go back to his bed, before he collapses against the wall. 

"Taehyung!" Was the only thing he heard before he blacked out. 


yo yo yo stan sonamoo 

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