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As Taehyung opened his eyes, he realised what day it was. Christmas. He hadn't got JImin anything a she was supposed to get it last night. He half hoped JImin hadn't gotten him anything, either. If he walked into Taehyung's room with a huge smile on his face, handing him a large gift, Taehyung would have no other option than to throw himself out of the window. He felt guilty already, and Jimin was nowhere to be seen, and he wasn't listening to music this morning, either.

He sighed deeply, trying to avoid the malicious thoughts. It was Christmas. He didn't want to spend his whole day worrying about things Jimin would forget in a while, anyway.

Just as he was about to check his phone for the time, Jimin yelled, "Tae! Are you awake yet? I can't wait to. See what you got me. You'll love my present."

'Shit.' Was the only thing Taehyung could think. 'He'll think I'm an awful friend. What if he hates me like Jaehwan?'

Jimin walked through the door and set the box down. "It's okay if you didn't get me anything. My family never did, s-so I was hoping to get something, but if you didn't, it's whatever, okay? You being alive is good enough. I can't bear to lose you." Jimin smiled and despite what he said, Taehyung felt worse, if anything. "Anyway! Open the box! I hope you like it."

With shaking fingers, he opened the box and a pair of black eyes peered back at him, boring into them. The dog wagged its tail before barking loudly.

"I found it yesterday! Aren't they cute?"

Taehyung could only nod, swallowing the guilt.

"What are you going to name them?"

"Uh..." He looked at the dog, staring into their eyes. "What gender is it?"


Taehyung nearly yelled, but settled for laughing. "That's gross."

"People do it all the time." He replied without looking up from his phone that Taehyung had gotten for his birthday.

Taehyung sighed loudly. "If it were a girl, we'd need to buy pads."

"Fair - wait, bitches have periods?"

"So it's a male." Was all Taehyung said.

"You don't know that."

"You do."

"Your dog."

"Are we not sharing them? I'm sure they'll love you." - I know I do.

"If you want...it's your present, though."

"I didn't get you anything, so..."

"I'm not bothered! You're the best present I could get, anyway."

Wow, Jimin was smooth.


"I'm serious! You're a really nice person, Tae. I love you - as a friend. Because that shit's gay,"

In an attempt to shake off the disappointment, Taehyung laughed awkwardly and replied with, "Yes, I suppose it is."

Jimin went to respond, but the dog yapped, wiping all train of thought.

"Oh my god, I forgot they did that,"


Jimin shrugged his shoulders.

"Anyway, name." Taehyung asked him. 

"Uhh," He stared at the dog, and looking at how its eyes sparkled made his heart flutter. "How about Felix?"

"That's such a stereotypical dog name, but whatever."

"Fine," He sighed. "Alfie."

Taehyung laughed, but only for a moment before he nodded his head. "Fine, Alfie doesn't sound awful. Let's name him Alfie."

"Don't assume their gender."

"Oh my god."


When his alarm rang on the 4th, Taehyung's stomach sank yet again. It was the first day back at school, and Taehyung wasn't exactly sure he was ready for it. Was he really ready to go against Jihoon and his friends as they acted like they were the best people in the whole school? Well, there was only one way to find out.

Taehyung gave a smile to Jimin before closing his door to get dressed. Really, he didn't need to close the door, but he felt like he had to. Once he had gotten ready, they begun walking until he got a message.

Unsaved number:

Hey! Is this Taehyung?

Taehyung's sinking feeling came back yet again. He was sure it was Daehwi, or someone like that, but he didn't want to be too careful, so he ignored it.

Unsaved number:

I can see you ignoring my text. Don't act like you didn't get my message.

Taehyung frowned, yet Jimin had begun walking ahead of him. He sighed, and Jimin slowed down to give him a hug. He was going to ask what was wrong, but he decided against it.

"Who's looking after Alfie?" Taehyung suddenly asked.

Jimin's eyes widened. "My f-friend's girlfriend, Viian. She's really nice, and Yves is a sweet girl, you should try and talk to her sometime."

"Oh, I've heard of her before. Viian's spoken about her, she sounds nice."

"Yeah, but that's probably Viian sugar-coating her."

"Who knows." He shrugged, and they entered the gates.


Tutor didn't seem too bad, for Taehyung. Everyone was talking with one another, catching ups n what they had missed, yet he was on his own - reading a book, like always. He felt left out, and was about to sigh, when Daehwi walked up to his desk.

"Hey, Taehyung! How've you been?"

In shock, Taehyung dropped his book on the floor, "I'm fine," He muttered, "You?" He asked as he bent down to reach the book from the floor.

"Could be better, because Jinyoung's being a dick, but it's whatever, right?"

"Eh, I suppose." He shrugged.

"Also, the rest of us agreed to no longer bully you, thanks to my words." He smiled brightly. "So, you're free to be friends with us now, if you want."

"Thanks, but..."

"I know you've got Jimin," Daehwi sighed, almost as if he didn't want to say that out loud. "But, you should try and talk to them, they're really nice people once you get to meet them, Jihoon especially. Minhyun and Sungwoon originally came from different groups, so they might seem a bit distant, but they're really nice. Please, come join us today?"

Taehyung, forgetting about Jimin, nodded.

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