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loona can literally step on me


Taehyung had decided to mute the groupchat for a while, at least until he figured everything out. It was all happening too fast, and he missed Jimin - since he had been his friend through thick and thin, and now that his bullies were being nice to him, Taehyung acted as if Jimin never existed in the first place. Jimin had a right to be angry, Taehyung accepted that, but he couldn't help but feel terrible for him, knowing how bad it must hurt for him, thinking he was going to be replaced by the one friend who had never let him down.

Taehyung felt awful.

"Tae? Do you...have a minute?" Jimin's soft voice called out, and Taehyung couldn't really say no, so he nodded. "I want a real answer...are you going to take those pills?" He pointed to the ones that sat on the table, almost mocking him, and telling him how much of a pussy he was for not taking them sooner.

Taehyung stared at him, nearly straining his eyesight, but he wanted a real answer - not just for Jimin, but for himself, also. "No. Maybe." He bit his lip. "I don't want to, but if that's what it takes to be considered 'normal', then, I may have no choice."

"Are you serious?" Jimin yelled, and Taehyung felt tears coming already - god, he was so weak. "I've been with you through thick and thin, what does Daehwi have that I don't?"

"You were the one who said I should make more friends!"

"Yeah, more friends! Not completely erase me from your life, Tae..." He whispered, hoping Taehyung would ignore the voice crack. "There's a difference."

"Oh, baby, I know." Taehyung whispered, rushing over to Jimin as he wrapped his arms around him, no matter how angry he was - Jimin always came first, above anyone. No matter who it was or what they had done, nobody came before Jimin. "Jimin, I'm so sorry, you come before anyone else. I'm so, so sorry."

Jimin just sniffed in response, trying to ignore the butterflies in his stomach.

He hated everything so much. Taehyung gave him the whole world, whilst Jimin just said thank you over and over again. He hated his existence so much - he wasn't able to give Taehyung everything that he deserved, and so he cried even more. 

Wow, Kim Taehyung really did deserve the whole world.

But what could Jimin do? He wasn't able to stand up to the bullies. He wasn't able to tell the teachers that he didn't like being called on because of his anxiety. He wasn't able to hold his hand when he felt anxious. He wasn't able to whisper words of encouragement into his ear when he was about to perform because that'd gain looks. But he wanted to. Taehyung deserved it, and Jimin couldn't give it to him. So he cried more, and more. He just let it all out.

Luckily, Taehyung soothed his back lovingly, but this only made Jimin cry even more.

"T-Tae..." Jimin's weak voice whispered, and Taehyung pulled back to look at him. "You deserve someone better."

"Why would I go after someone better if I have you?"

Jimin smiled - Taehyung would be the death of him, literally. He smiled, though he was sad inside. He knew that eventually, Taehyung would forget about him, and he'd be replaced. So he relaxed into Taehyung, enjoying what little time they had left. Jimin's days were numbered, he knew that. Everyone was forcing Taehyung to take the pills - heck, he even caught him whilst he was about to take one - who knows what could happen if Jimin isn't there in time? What if he takes one whilst Jimin's asleep? His heart sunk.

Taehyung wouldn't do that. Taehyung isn't like that.

'But if that's what it takes to be considered 'normal', then, I may have no choice.' 

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