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Taehyung opens his eyes.

The first thing he sees is an unfamiliar woman staring at him. She has a smile on her face, and her blonde hair compliments her eyes. 

Taehyung coughs, balling his hands into a fight as he coughs violently, as the woman takes a step back. 

"You feeling okay?" Jimin questions and Taehyung smiles; he knows someone here, at least.

"Yeah, not much, but.." Taehyung trails off, since he knows Jimin knows what he's talking about. 

"Um," The woman starts, "Who're you talking to? I'm sorry if that's an offensive question, but, I'm just curious."

"It's my friend, Jimin, do you not see him?" Taehyung asks, pointing to Jimin, talking as if she were blind.

She chuckles, "N-No." She stutters, but she holds out her hand, nonetheless. "My name's Chungha, if you care."

Taehyung smiles as he shakes her hand; "My name's Taehyung," He replies, genuinely smiling at someone for the first time in a while.

"Do you feel any better?" She asks, and Taehyung grins back - because he feels as though she really cares about him.

Then again, she doesn't know about his 'illness' yet, so that could be a minor setback. 

He weakly nods his head.

"That's great," She states, "Where's your parents?"

Taehyung just stares into the distance.

I killed them.

I didn't, but that's what everyone says.

They want me to suffer, that's what it is.

They want me to suffer.

They want me to die.

And, I too, want me to be dead.


"'Cause I've got them down," Chungha states, "Minah & Hyeri, is that right?"

Taehyung smiles at the mention of their names. Sure, they aren't this real parents, but he feels safe around them. 

He nods his head, and Chungha writes something down on her clipboard before asking, "How do you feel right now?"

That's a terrible question.

"I'm okay? I think." Taehyung answers truthfully, because he doesn't even know how he feels half the time, how was he supposed to fit that into words that people could understand? "I'm not sure, to be honest. School's be rough, but, when is it not?"

Taehyung doesn't feel well. He doesn't even speak this much to Jimin sometimes, what was happening to him? 

Suddenly, he feels Jimin's presence, and he feels safe again. 

"Yeah, I get that. I saw a few marks on your arm before, are they from..." She trails off, not really knowing what to say to him, but Taehyung understands what she was trying to say, and nods. She gasps, but Taehyung just looks at her with a blank face, seemingly unfazed.

"I'm used to it," Taehyung answers, which, for obvious reasons, worries Chungha. 

"Right..." She whispers, "Well, when you're ready, you can go back home." 

Taehyung's face lights up. 


"Tae!" Minah's voice calls to him as he runs towards the pair, who don't really expect him to return this early.

However, Jimin was behind the 3 and he felt abandoned. He was Taehyung's best friend for all his life, and now he's ditching Jimin for Hyeri and Minah - some women he only a few months ago? 

Jimin opens his mouth to say something, but then remembers one key thing; he couldn't even be heard by anyone apart from Taehyung - and Taehyung didn't seem to care about him right now. 

"You feeling okay, Tae?" First, Hyeri asks, and all Taehyung could do was nod his head.

"Taehyung..." Jimin calls with a weak, shaky voice with all the strength he can muster.

But, it's no use.

He's completely ignored, once more.

Once Minah leaves the room, followed suit by Hyeri, Taehyung slowly crawls over to Jimin.

"Hey..." He whispers, seemingly unsure of whether Jimin was mad at him or not. To answer his query, Jimin didn't respond - which led Taehyung to assume Jimin was mad at him for unknown reasons. "Are you....mad?" 

Before Taehyung could carry on, Jimin inturrupted him by saying, "Isn't it obvious?"



goodbyr this is shit

bc i hav 2 weeks off school so updates are gonna be v common now !111!1

also trash,,,, idk if i'm even doing it bc honestly,,, like,,,, i have no ideas or it so maybe not after all the hype about it

also im SO EMO OVER I.O.I 


downpour is so,, like,, it's a gr8 song i miss i.o.i 

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