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"Where am I?" Taehyung asks Jimin, yet he doesn't get an answer back. He looks around; since he's only just woken up. He feels alone; well, he is alone. He feels empty without Jimin. It scares him - what the real world actually is.

'Jimin?' He thinks, and suddenly; Jimin's right in front of him, wearing a big smile like he'd never left.

"Hey, Taehyung!" He waves enthusiastically, and Taehyung seems confused. Nevertheless, he continues to examine the room he's in. It's currently the week off from school; yet he goes back in 2 days. The room he's currently in is nearly pitch-black, with minimal lighting coming from the window that was behind the bars. Taehyung doesn't like it.

"Jimin...where are we?" He asks, and Jimin shrugs his shoulders. Taehyung sighs; if he doesn't know, why would Jimin? Jimin's his best friend, so he only knows what Taehyung knows.

"Ah, you're awake." A sudden voice calls startling Taehyung as he grips onto his chest from the sudden yell. "Taehyung, is it? My name's Hyeri." A light comes on, and Taehyung removes the hand away from his face, and the other hand on his chest loosens; he trusts the woman a little. Though, not fully. No way. He still doesn't 100% trust Jimin, and he's known Jimin all his life. He at least knows what he looks like, though.

"H-Hyeri?" He pronounces, and Hyeri giggles. Taehyung's worried; he doesn't like it here. It feels like it would be a prison. His pills are beside him, and suddenly it's not so bad, he knows something here, at least. Jimin smiles at him, and Taehyung still looks worried. Jimin frowns.

"What's wrong?" Jimin asks, and Taehyung relaxes at his voice. He looks at Hyeri, who's just as confused as he.

"It's nothing. I just..don't know what this place is." Taehyung tells Jimin, and Hyeri opens her mouth to say something - but she knows he won't respond, since he's talking to Jimin; and of course, Jimin's more important. Though, she has no idea of Jimin's existence. To Hyeri, Taehyung's talking to himself. But she's used to this. She has worked in this place for 10 years, after all.

"Who're you talking to, Taehyung?" Hyeri asks with a bright smile on her face, trying to act as if she doesn't know. To be honest, she has no idea of the boy's name, yet she knows Taehyung's speaking to someone who doesn't exist.

"My friend, Jimin. He's right here." He speaks as if it's the most obvious thing, and to Taehyung; it is. Jimin's right there, yet Hyeri couldn't see him. "Do you see him?" He questions Hyeri, who only shakes her head. "How..?" Hyeri doesn't speak about it anymore, and decides to speak about why he's here.

"So, Taehyung. You're here because of some...mental issues." Taehyung raises his eyebrows and Hyeri sees this. "Basically, you're different to others. It's a thing, that only you really know about. I say just you, you're not alone. Many other kids, some even your age experience this. It's just a thing in life." Taehyung looks troubled, and Jimin goes over and hugs him from behind.

"It's ok, Tae, I'll protect you." All of a sudden, Taehyung begins weeping. Hyeri panics, while Jimin's used to this, so he hugs him closer to his own body which seems to calm him. Hyeri doesn't know what's happening, all she sees is Taehyung, slouched down and suddenly calming down. She's not complaining, though, yet their boss - Minah, comes down and stares at Hyeri.

"Babe, who's this guy?" Minah asks from a distance and Hyeri stutters, not really knowing how to explain who Taehyung was. She hadn't known him for that long, after all, and Taehyung was a weird character already. Hyeri sighed.

"His name's Taehyung." Hyeri starts to explain, and Taehyung and Jimin automatically stare at Hyeri to see what she has to say. "His best friend is a boy called Jimin." Minah goes to ask where Jimin was, but decided it was a bad idea, since she's worked with these people alot. They insist their best friend exists, which never ends if you ask that.

"Jimin?" Taehyung speaks up, and Minah and Hyeri turn to face him. "Don't talk about Jimin. He doesn't it. He doesn't like you." Taehyung speaks almost robotically.

"Oh," Minah sighs. Hyeri just smiles at her, before wanting to explain more about Taehyung's current situation.

"Do you want to leave this place?" She asks, while Taehyung nods. "You'd have to leave Jimin with us."

Taehyung pales. He looks at Jimin with a frown on his face. "I don't wanna leave him."

"If you wanna leave, you have to." Hyeri sighs. "It's tough, but, you'll have to."

Taehyung glances over at Jimin, the boy who was only slightly older than him, with a large frown. Eventually, he shakes his head. "No. I'm staying with Jimin. I will until the end of time."

But, you'll die before then.


"Can I ask you a question?" Jimin asks in the corridor before their lesson starts. Seeing the nod Taehyung gives him, he asks, "How did we become friends?"

"I-I don't know. I wanted a friend, and you suddenly appeared. Beats me how you got here." Taehyung explains with a slight chuckle. "Got any ideas?"

"Nope. I just knew you were a lonely child whom everyone hated, and I kinda felt bad and became your friend; now look at us. We know everything about each other."

Taehyung smiled at his. Without Jimin, he would be alone. Alone, in this cold, vicious world. He couldn't imagine it. Well, with Taehyung's mind, he could imagine everything.

Just like he imagined Jimin.


hihi im laughing

do y'all remember "trash"


that chanbaek fanfic?

i promised i would re-write it and i've forgotten about it ?? lmao sorry,,, i might re-write it at the march-early april idk

i shall re-write it,,, so anticipate it ig lmao

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