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It was no secret that Taehyung was bullied. Even the people who owned the place Taehyung stayed in - Minah and Hyeri - knew that he was being bullied. Every day he'd come home with more bruises than the last. Hyeri wanted to intervene because she was getting sick of those bastards getting away with it, but Minah told her to not get involved.

Currently, it was 3:03 am and Taehyung had just woken up. He looked around; he couldn't see anyone. Not even Jimin. "J-Jimin?" He croaks out, and Jimin appears in front of him. 

"Hello, friend! How are you on this fine day?" Taehyung sighs. Only Jimin. Normally, he speaks like Taehyung does, but sometimes; he would speak like this. Like an old person. It was entertaining, honestly.

"I'm good, what about you?" Taehyung asks, and Hyeri walks in. This time, without Minah. She seems upset, but Taehyung didn't want to press into things. Over the course of a few weeks, Hyeri & Minah seemed like family to Taehyung. They were a better family that his other parents, anyway.

"Taehyung?" Hyeri's voice asks him, and he slowly snaps his neck in her direction, "What're you doing up?" Yeah, only Minah knew about Taehyung's insomnia, because aside from Jimin, Taehyung didn't trust a lot of people, because he believed they'd leave him. However, Jimin's never stepped a foot out of line so far, and Minah seems nice enough. Sure, insomnia wasn't a thing like a mental illness, but it was worth mentioning.

"I couldn't sleep." He simply tells her, and Hyeri just nods in understanding. She turns to leave, and Taehyung just stared at the floor. "Why do I have so many things wrong with me...?" Taehyung asks Jimin, who doesn't say anything. What was he meant to say? 'It's not your fault,' because, well, it's not, but Taehyung doesn't think like most people.

"You don't," Jimin says with a smile. "You're just different, what if it's them with the issues?" Jimin proposes, but Taehyung doesn't think like that. To Taehyung, it's always him that's the weird one. Always him that's got something wrong with them. Always the one who's getting bullied.

"But it's not." Taehyung replies, "It's me with the problems, Jimin, you out of everyone should know this."

"I know, but, I'm trying to make you feel better," Jimin explains, with a smile, but Taehyung's not buying it, so he just shakes his head and thinks of how to change the subject. "I'm sorry," Jimin says, yet Taehyung doesn't say anything.

"Goodnight, Ji." He says before turning away and returning to sleeping.


"Taehyung," Jimin's voice speaks into his ear, causing him to immediately sit up, and be aware of his surrounding. The silver haired man yells again, "Tae, you're going to be late."

"For what?"


"Oh." Taehyung gasps before quickly getting changed and when he's done, it's 7:34 am. He has to be at 8:20 at the earliest, and 8:30 am as the latest.

"Where's your school? I can take you." Hyeri suggest before Minah tells her to stay home and that she'll take them, which Hyeri doesn't argue with.

"I c-can give you d-directions." Taehyung stutters and Minah gives him a soft smile before telling him to get into the car, which he does and waits for Minah to get in the car before saying, "R-Reverse down here, and t-turn left..."

Taehyung doesn't want to sound harsh, but how else could he tell Minah where to go in order to get to his location?

After a lot of Taehyung stuttering and telling her the wrong directions, they eventually got there and Taehyung kept bowing before Jimin told him to hurry up, since it was 8:15 am.

"Thanks, o-once again!" Taehyung yells before leaving with Jimin.

"She's nice, huh?" Jimin asks.

"Yeah." Taehyung nods his head as they walk towards his tutor base, where Namjoon and Jungkook are. Namjoon's listening to some music from his headphones, while Jeongguk managed to fall asleep by leaning against the wall.

'I wish I could do that.' Taehyung thinks, and Jimin gives him that look. Taehyung forgets Jimin can hear anything he thinks sometimes.

'You could, if you tried.'

'Imsomnia,' Taehyung thinks back before facing Namjoon.

"The fuck d'want, lad? I ain't got no time to be messin' with yous." Namjoon speaks, and it takes Taehyung a while to translate what he's saying.

"I-I'm not after anything, sorry." Taehyung says, yet he mentally scolds himself for aplogising to someone like Namjoon.

Before Namjoon could say anything, Yoongi & Hoseok walk in.

"Hey!" Yoongi says before Hoseok runs forward and pinches Jungkook's nose, causing the other to snort and then cough.

'I wish I could have friends.' Taehyung wishes for a long of things, he realises.

'I know.' Jimin thinks back. 'It's ok. You've got me.'

'But you're not...with me.'

'I am.' 


Taehyung doesn't put his hand up in class anymore. He used to put it up all the time, but now, his confidence is gone, along with his dreams and now he's just the one nerdy kid who doesn't speak, but gets everything right. So when the teachers call on him, he's a stuttering mess with a quiet voice, which makes the teacher have to ask him again, which doesn't make it harder.

"Just speak louder." Eunbi, the girl who's known for having a resting bitch-face, tells him before turning around to speak to Yerin, her bestfriend, though Taehyung thinks they're secretly going out.

"It's not easy to do that..." Taehyung whispers, though Eunbi's no longer listening. He speaks nonetheless, because when he speaks to Jimin, nobody listens anyway.

"It is!" The teacher, Moon Hyuna, tells him with a wide smile. "Just speak with a loud voice! It doesn't matter if you get it wrong, Taehyung, just try."

'If I get it wrong, everyone'll laugh and call me stupid.' He thinks, but he nods his head at Hyuna's advice, and she smiles back .

Jungkook, the kid who's next to Eunbi, kicks him under the table, but Taehyung doesn't make any noise, because if Hyuna finds out that Jungkook kicked him, she'll eventually find out about the whole bullying thing, and Taehyung's not ready for her to find out the truth, even though Hyuna is Taehyung's 2nd favourite teacher, his favourite teacher being Pyo Hyemi. Because Hyemi was so laid back, and they never really did anything in her lessons, but when they did - it was fun, easy work.

"Don't even start." Eunbi says coldly to Jungkook. "I can feel the table move. Fucking stop." She says, before talking to Yerin again. 

Jungkook just kicks Taehyung again, and Eunbi's eyes widen. "Shit, SinB, I'm-"

"Don't. Don't call me that, Jungkook, we're not going out anymore." She tells him.

"Kids, back to wor-" Before she can finish, another teacher - this time, it's Park Kyungri, comes in and Hyuna starts speaking to her. Jungkook starts kicking him, and even goes as far as to break his glasses before Hyuna faces the class again. "Taehyung? What's that-Why're you crying?"

'Don't say anything.' Jungkook mouths to him since Hyuna can't see him, but Jimin says to tell her to truth.

Taehyung doesn't know what to say.

"Whoever it was, they're staying behind after school for an hour. We do not condolerate bullying or anything of this sort in this school,"

"Oh, shut up." Jungkook mutters before smirking at Taehyung. "Nice call, Taehyung, just don't fucking get me into trouble. My mum can't pay for it."


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