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"J-Jimin, I'm scared." Taehyung whispered in a hushed voice, clinging onto said person tighter. He was scared - terrified, even. His own family scared him; what a life to live. "What if they disown me because of my ways? I-I need a family, Ji."

"Do you? Really? Why don't, just us two, live together? In a far-away place, mind. It'll be great," Jimin gave a genuine smile, yet Taehyung didn't return one like he usually did, which concerned Jimin. "What? D-Did I say something wrong?"

To this, Taehyung just stared blankly at Jimin. He didn't have a response for him. Sure, he loved Jimin and he wanted to live with him in a place where his parents weren't always telling him off for doing something, and sure; he wanted to be with Jimin until he died, but he couldn't. As much as he wanted, yearned, even craved for Jimin to tell those Wanna One bastards that they aren't shit, or for Jimin to cuddle him until he fell asleep, it just wasn't possible. No matter how much the two wanted it to be real, it just wasn't feasible by any means.

Despite all this, if they were given the chance, it's 100% certain they'd say yes in a heartbeat.

With a shake of his head, Taehyung replied with a weak and quiet, "N-No, not at all." He assured Jimin with a warm, welcoming smile. "I just...It makes me sad."

Changing his focus from his book back to Taehyung, Jimin looked up so fast he may as well have gotten whiplash. "What does?"

To this, Taehyung gave a chuckle. It wasn't like a laugh, it was more half-arsed and had barely any effort put into it, and he gave a shoulder shrug along with it. "This. Everything to do with you. I just...wish you could teach those bastards a thing or two."

A grave sigh was all Taehyung got in response. "As do I, TaeTae."


Even though it was 3 in the morning, Taehyung law awake in his bed, unable to get to sleep. His mind was constantly thinking of useless and impossible thoughts, like, 'What if Jimin could tell them a thing or two?' and as much as he wanted to, he couldn't stop them. It was like he wasn't even in control of his mind anymore. And he hated it.

Infact, he couldn't think of a time prior to this when he wanted to die more. He was 100% ready for the sweet release of death. 

"Can't sleep either?" Jimin whispered, and gave a slight chuckle to himself once Taehyung hadn't responded. As it turns out, Jimin had decided to sleep on the floor near the door, which Taehyung initially refused, but it's Jimin; and he can't really say no Jimin, even though, in that instant, he was supposed to.

Taehyung was struggling. Recently, Hyeri & Minah had moved away, and thus, Taehyung was left alone to fend for himself. The bills were due to be paid in a little over a fortnight; how was he supposed to get that kind of money? He didn't even have a job, and it was highly unlikely he was going to get one before then, let alone get enough to pay it off. Inside, Taehyung is seething, because he bets they planned it out. He just sat there, and prayed for a miracle to happen. Where either, the landlord skips them and doesn't ask them to pay, or someone comes along and takes Taehyung & Jimin in - scratch that, just Taehyung. Speaking of Jimin, he was gotten up and sat on Taehyung's bed.

"I-I'm sorry," He croaked out, and Taehyung frowned, for it sounded like Jimin had gotten a cold, and that was probably when Taehyung was talking to his new friend in the rain whilst Jimin, unbeknownst to Taehyung at the time, was waiting for him with a smile on his face. After Taehyung had turned around, he was instantly surrounded with guilt. How long had he even been standing there? How much had he seen?

Nonetheless, Taehyung responded. "F-For what?"


Taehyung gives Jimin a sympathetic nod - for all it's worth. "You don't need to be sorry. I love you just the way you are."

"Even though I'm full of imperfections? Tae, I can't even protect you when I know you need help. You were close to death the other day, and I did nothing. Why do you even hang around with me?"

"B-Because," Taehyung choked on his tears; staring up at the ceiling, he sighed heavily, "You're my best friend, a-and I love you. Everyone else has walked out on me, but you've stayed with me through thick and thin. J-Just like friends should."

Speechless, Jimin smiled.

"I'll always be here for you."

If only Taehyung knew that he wasn't telling the truth. If only.

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