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"Do you remember when we were happy, Jimin? Because I sure as hell don't." Jimin chuckled at Taehyung's use of 'hell', as opposed to swearing -- which Taehyung doesn't ever do. He's never sworn before - at least not when Jimin's around, he hasn't sworn. He's a good kid, sure, but his anger can go overboard at times. 

"Tae, don't talk like that. If you talk about negative thoughts, you'll think negative. Just breathe, and let the negatives go away."

"It's not as easy as that, Jimin. Sure, you may be happy 24/7, but I'm not. My life is basically negative. There's nothing I can do about that, though, as much as I'd like to be happy, I can't, you of all people should know that."

"I know, but," Jimin bit his lip, not really knowing what to say, so he dropped the conversation with his best friend.


Sadly, Taehyung had gotten back into his old habit -- cutting. He wasn't really a fan of it back when he did it all the time, but he did it because of his severe depression and the fact that he was bullied for being gay. It had become an addiction slowly over time, and he couldn't have really stopped it, but when the school found out, they had sent him to counselling and that made him stop.

Unfortunately for everyone, it had come back, and this time -- Taehyung wouldn't get the help this easily, because he didn't want it, nor did he need it. Last time, it was there -- so he took it. This time, he knows what it's like, so he won't go back; even if Jimin told him to. 

"Tae..." Jimin whispered, "Are you going to get help?" There it was. Taehyung stared at him, cocking an eyebrow. Taehyung eventually shook his head and Jimin looked as confused as he. "What? Why? You know you need it."

"Jimin, I don't want it." Taehyung tried to explain to his friend, who didn't seem to understand why he wouldn't go and get some help for his obvious problem. 

"Taehyung, people are going to see that you're cutting again! Is that not a problem for you? If someone sees, then they're going to send you. You NEED to go."

"I'm not going, Jimin." 

"You need to, Tae," Jimin told him, but it was obvious he wasn't even listening anymore. "Tae! Listen to me, you're going, no matter who's taking you." 

"Jimin, stop this. I'm not, you're not forcing me at all. It's my choice whether or not I want to go, and I've already said that I don't wanna go." Jimin sighed, placing his hands on his hip.

"Fine, whatever, but don't come complaining to me when it gets really bad, because I'm not going to sympathise. As much as I love you, and want to help from shitty things like this, if you're not willing to get help, I can't help with that." 


Taehyung had tried to go throughout the school day being as quiet as he could, since he didn't really like the attention that he sometimes got since he did something wrong or people just wanted to pick on him because he was Taehyung. However, when he was in a classroom with people like Yunsung, Seunghwan, and their friends -- that was nearly impossible. They were those shitty kids that picked on other kids because they were that person. They picked on Taehyung purely because he was Taehyung. They didn't pick on anyone else, it was always Taehyung getting slandered by them, yet nobody had said anything about wanting to make it stop. There were, luckily, people who didn't join in; like Eunchae, Huihyun and Chaeyeon -- but it's not like they tried to stop it, either.

Taehyung and Huihyun had spoken before, in the past. They seemed like friends for a short while, but then Huihyun started hanging out with the people that picked on Taehyung, and she turned her back on him, like most people did. Huihyun was sort of bitchy, but her friends Chaeyeon and Eunchae stopped her from doing anything too bad, which was always a good thing.

However, in the lesson that day, Taehyung had tried to be as quiet as he could. When the teacher called on him to answer, he did it in less that 4 seconds usually, and he tried to not stutter, but he did sometimes -- however it had always slipped through, and nobody had really laughed at him. 

--Except for the time he mispronounced a word, people wouldn't let him hear the end of it, saying 'oh, the word was easy', 'everyone could've pronounced that', etcetera, etcetera. This only made Taehyung feel even worse about himself.

 When Jimin had heard what they had said, he furrowed his eyebrows and looked Taehyung, who had his head in his hands, assumably crying. Jimin wanted to get up out of the seat and yell at them for making his friend cry, but then remembered he couldn't say anything - because he wouldn't be heard. 

Jimin looked up at the teacher, who was stilling her work. He didn't really expect her to do much since she was Gahyeon, and Gahyeon was a very laid back teacher, who didn't really yell at students very much. 

She only yelled at this one student, Minjae, because she had sworn at this kid called Sumin for a reason neither Jimin nor Taehyung had heard about -- not that they cared, either. 

When Taehyung had finally calmed down, he slowly looked up at the board and carried on with the work, and for about 10 minutes, nobody said anything, but then he dropped his pencil and it started all over again. 

Well, it was no wonder that Taehyung had tried to kill himself, really.

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