Chapter 28: tears

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Double update cause I love you guys, enjoy! Play music now
3d pov
"....and unfortunately Mr.Romano has fallen into a coma, he is stable for now, but we have to keep a close eye on him, you can only visit him one at a time" That sentence made Vanessa lose it, she sobbed uncontrollably.

Lauren also felt the urge to cry, Damon was like a brother to her, but she stood strong, for Vanessa. The boys showed no emotion at all but both Lauren and Vanessa knew they were hurting too, Liza just had a blank face on, not even Vanessa could read her.

"Vanessa, you should see him" Mark said, Vanessa nodded and followed the doctor to Damon's room. Damon was laying on the hospital bed, with tubes and needles stuck everywhere from his arms to his neck, and even with his pale face and barely visible bags under his eyes, she was still as handsome as ever, "I'll give you some privacy" said the doctor, Vanessa nodded and walked towards the bed, she grabbed his hand and held to them like Damon was going to disappear in any second

" I-I never got the chance to say that I love you Damon Romano, and nothing is going to change that" Vanessa said as tears ran down her cheeks "a-also i-i'm pregnant, were gonna have a baby" Vanessa said with a sad smile.

She than started to run her hand through his hair, she kissed his forehead and said "I'll get revenge, I promise" she than stood up and walked out of the room, with only one thing in mind, Killing Francisco, and ending I.L.O.A once and for all.

2 months later....

Damon was still in a comma, and Vanessa out to quench her thirst for revenge. She had already gathered enough information to take ILOA down, all she needed now was Francisco's location. Her baby bump was already starting to show, so she had to get rid of them fast.

Vanessa would go to the hospital everyday and each day she would bring a flower to decorate Damon's room. She finished her paperwork and walked out of Damon's office.

She walked down the stairs and made some food. Ever since the accident she had put on a emotionless mask, she didn't want anyone to see how much she was suffering.

Lauren stood behind the doors of the kitchen watching her friend carefully, Vanessa hadn't spoken to anyone unless it was business, she barely even had time for Matthew anymore, which was making him really sad, he already didn't have his brother, losing vanessa would be terrible

Lauren had enough and walked into the kitchen, yanking the spatula on Vanessa's hand on the process, she took the spatula and pointed it at vanessa "Stop this now Nessa! You don't have to act like you don't give a crap anymore!, you are carrying a child! One that needs attention and love! Matt needs that too! He has been all locked up in his room for days! You are like his sister! He already lost Damon he can't lose you too! So get a grip and don't bottle everything inside!" Lauren yelled and Vanessa's eyes widened at her outburst, but she was right.

Vanessa was drowning herself in work and not thinking about the people around her, a tear slipped her eye, than another, and another, and soon Vanessa was sobbing on the floor hugging Lauren for her dear life "Your right!" Vanessa sobbed

"Shhhh" Lauren soothed, rubbing Vsnessa's back "Everything will be okay Nessa, i promise okay?" she asked and Vanessa nodded.

As soon as Vanessa calmed down, she ran up to Matt's room and knocked on the doorMat sweetie, can i come in?" she asked and heard a faint yes. She opened the door and gasped at what she saw

"Matt was pale and skinny his eyes puffy and red from all of the crying, that made her feel terrible "Oh come here" she said and Matt rean up to her engulfing her in a tight hug "I promise everything will be fine" she whispered in Matt's ear, he nodded, and she kissed his head "Let's go get you some food" she said and grabbed Matts hand.

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