Chapter Two

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She arrived at school a bloody mess. Whatever attacked her was powerful, more powerful than any human being. Katrina rushed into a restroom and washed the blood out of the worst of her cuts. Then, when she was sure there wasn't going to be any more bleeding, she lowered herself onto the floor and cried.

The first day I ever walk to school alone, and someone attacks me? She thought.

The door to the ladies room burst open, and in walked the most gorgeous man Katrina had ever seen in her life. He had stark black hair, and eyes that reminded her of black holes. They seemed to see right into her soul.

"Who- who are you?" She asked, wiping the tears off your face.

"Why'd you run from me?" He asked instead of answering her question. "Do you always run from those who save your life?"

She blinked, then stood up. "That was you? I'm really sorry. I was just so frightened, and-"

"Surprised? Yeah, demons like that jump out a lot nowadays, huh? They usually go after those who are walking alone. You might want to walk with a buddy from now on."

Katrina was barely able to process what he was saying. She was distracted by the dark, beautiful man before her, the fact that he was in the ladies restroom, and the vibes she was getting from him. "D-demons?"

"Indeed. Don't walk the streets alone, okay?"

And with that, the hauntingly mysterious guy was gone. She wasn't able to catch his name, but she was pretty sure he knew hers. Just by that look in his eyes, Katrina could tell he knew more than any stranger should.

Shaking off the traumatic events of her morning so far, she exited the washroom and headed for class. How surreal.

In her second period science class, she sat, distracted, while Mr. Leroy ranted on about the experiment they were going to perform in groups on the following day. Thoughts swam through her mind, yet she wasn't receiving the warning signals that should have been going off. Her encounter with the guy seemed to have numbed her mind of everything, even the visions.

In her trance, Katrina hadn't realized a fire had started until her lab partner screamed at the top of her lungs. She sprung to her feet and backed up against the wall. Something was emerging from the fire, and it was looking right at Katrina.

"You...have the...sssight..." It hissed. Black tar oozed from its burnt lips. Its hands were melting as it became hotter.

Heart pounding, Katrina wanted to scream, but screaming led to nowhere. She stood as the fiery monster made its way toward her. This was her second attack of the day, and there was no guy to come and kick this creature off of her. If anything kicked this thing, their foot would have been burned off their body.

Katrina cowered in the corner and waited death yet again.

The instant Daniel heard a scream ring though the halls, he ran toward the source of the noise. He knew she was in the place of the fire, and he had to get her out. Busting into the classroom, his eyes widened at the sight of it. The flaming, grotesque monster was slowly sliding its way toward her, trapping her in the corner of the room.

He shook his head, then grabbed the fire extinguisher and ran. Fire, it had to be fire. With one swift movement, he leaped in between the demon and the girl, and showered the monster with dry chemical. When the monster showed no sign of distinguishing, Daniel turned to the girl and pressed her against the wall, shielding her from the thick smoke with his body.

"Look, I need you to trust me here. Can you do that?" He asked her, breathing heavily.

The girl nodded quickly, the absolute terror showing in her eyes.

With that nod, Daniel grabbed the girl by the waist and ran. He jumped atop a lab table, and exited the room with lightning speed. It seemed impossible for a mere human to move that fast, but Daniel wasn't human.

The girl coughed and sputtered on the floor outside the classroom. Daniel helped steady her. "You okay?"

She nodded. "Y-yes, I'm fine."

"Do you always stutter?"

"Only when I'm in shock."

"Look, we need to get out of here. They're following your scent. If you stay here, you'll definitely be attacked again," he said calmly.

The girl gave another nod.

Daniel grasped her wrist lightly and led her downstairs. He stopped in front of the ladies locker room and pushed them both inside. Quickly, he ushered her into a shower and turned on the water. "You're wearing perfume. Wash any trace of it off, we need to get rid of your scent."

Katrina was struck dumb when the guy had brought her into the showers and told her to wash her scent off. She waited until he had turned the corner before gently peeling her clothes off and stepping into the cold rush of water. After bathing, she hastily threw her clothes on despite the fact that she was still soaking wet.

"I'm done," she said, walking into the locker portion of the room.

The guy sat on one of the benches, his head bowed, elbows resting on his knees. When she entered, he stood and sniffed the air. Without another word, he was walking out of the room, and she followed closely behind him.

"My name's Daniel Hastings, by the way."

"Why does that name sound so familiar?" She wondered quietly as they walked out of the school building and into the parking lot.

He shrugged. "You might know my brother, Kellen."

Katrina stopped in her tracks in the middle of the parking lot. "Kellen's your brother?"

"You act so surprised."

"Well, you two are so different. No one in town even knew he had relatives. His only friend seems to be Veronica." They had begun walking again.

"She still is his only friend. My brother is too shy for his own good."

Daniel got into an old black Chevy and started the engine. Katrina boosted herself into the passenger's seat. "Well, how about you? Do you have any friends?" She asked him. He really didn't look like the friendly type.

"I don't have friends, I have contacts. People I need, people who do jobs for me."

"How do you get people to do stuff for you?"

"Blackmail, of course."

Katrina didn't know what to think. She was in a car with a guy she had just met, a guy who had saved her twice, and she was already getting to know him. his personality really was as dangerous as his appearance. "Where are you taking me?"

"Someplace where we can be safe for a while."

"But if I don't return home, my mother will think something happened."

"Something did happen. Don't worry, I'll have you home soon enough. We just need to wait until all these demon attacks settle."

With a sigh, she leaned back against her seat and shut her eyes. When did my life suddenly turn into a whirlwind of insanity? She thought. Just as Daniel turned sharply around a corner, the feeling struck her again.

"I want him dead, Veronica. Before his fifth birthday."

A pretty little girl, at about the age of ten, walked into the room and sat across from Kellen. "He's your brother. How could you send me out to kill your own flesh and blood?"

The blond ten year old boy shook his head. "When he grows up, he won't be my brother anymore. He'll become a monster, and I need him dead before that happens. I only want the best for my baby brother."

Katrina jolted out of the vision, and almost hit the dashboard of Daniel's truck. He turned and gave her a look, she shifted uncomfortably and looked away from him. She didn't quite understand that vision yet, but she was sure going to figure it out eventually.

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