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I pulled up to her house, exactly an hour after she told me to come. I unlatched my bag from the back of my bike as I pulled it into her garage. It really was bad that she left her garage door open all the time, but at least it was easy for me to put my bike in there.

"Christine!" I yelled into her house. It was eerily quiet as there wasn't a response, not even from her mom. "Chrissie!" I yelled again, going up the stairs to her room. It was quiet in there as I walked to the door, except for some music playing.

I opened the door with caution, not knowing what was in there. Glancing inside, she was sat on her bed clutching her phone in her hand, her bags at her feet. Her eyes were fixed on one point on the carpet, like she was trying to blow it up or something. Her eyes were red and her cheeks were flushed. Before I could open my mouth, she had shushed me. "Go wait downstairs alright, I'll be there in a second." She didn't even look at me, more or less just blew me off with her hand. I closed the door and went to the stairs.

Minutes later there was a thud before she came downstairs. I turned around to see her picking up her bag off the floor. I guessed she had thrown it over the banister because she didn't want to carry it. Walking past me, she went into the kitchen and grabbed a case of beer and water before getting the car keys. "You coming Hemmings?" She asked as she opened the door to the garage. I got up quickly and went to where she was, following her into the car.

"Want me to drive?" I asked as she put her stuff in the back.

"I got it, don't worry I'm not drunk yet," she said with a snort before looking at me. "I'll tell you in the car." I quickly threw my stuff in with hers and got into the passenger seat. I looked over at her and she wasn't wearing a bandage on her arm.

"Where's your bandage?" I asked as she put in a CD.

"I threw it at my mom because she pissed me off." She started the car and pulled out of the driveway, quickly getting onto the freeway. "You know what I walked in on?"

"Well whatever it was you got pretty pissed off, right?"

"There's a person sitting on my couch with black and white hair and I'm all like 'Who the fuck is in my house? Did someone break in?' and then he moans out my moms name and I scream it out and they both look at me and my mother is giving Michael fucking Clifford a blow job in my own house! Like what the literal fuck is she doing?! And what the fuck is he doing?! What the fuck?!" She screamed as she sped down the HOV lane.

"Wait, you mean you caught your mom and Michael from our school hooking up on your couch?"

"Right where you were sitting twenty minutes ago. I told her I wouldn't be home for Christmas and she yelled at me and called me selfish so I ripped my bandage off and shoved it down her bra and she bitched at me. So I said 'Well if Michael has access down there then why don't I?' and I went and packed and I'm assuming she left and...you came over." She rubbed her eyes as the music kept playing.

"Christine, here pull over," I said as she kept driving, switching lanes to get off the freeway. She quickly obliged and pulled over into a gas station.

"I'm fine," she protested as I walked over to her seat. "Luke really I'm fine," she said as she yanked at the sleeves of her hoodie.

"No you're not. You're clearly pissed at Michael and your mom and you need to calm yourself. I don't want you to get us into a wreck," I said as I reached over her and undid her seat belt. She looked at me with a dead gaze that I've seen on Betting before and the similarity scared me.

"Let me go get some snacks, you get gas for the car," she said as she got out of the car. "And don't stare at my butt," she said as I went to go get gas.

"You know I love it!" I shouted as she walked inside. I smiled to myself before swiping my credit card and putting gas into the car. I leaned against it as I heard it fill into the engine, watching from my spot as she paid for the food at the check out. She made everything look so easy, but she was just like a glass that had been broken so many times you could see the glue that was holding it together.

"Food," she said as she put it into the center console. "We can pick some actual food up later," she said as she crawled over into the seat.

"There's doors for a reason, Christine," I said as I got into my seat after taking the gas pump out of the car.

"Yeah, I know. You really underestimate me don't you?" she said as she hooked her phone up the cars audio system.

"I don't underestimate exactly, I question." I said as she picked a song for us to listen to.

"What do you question?" She said as Afraid by The Neighborhood began to play.

"Want me to sound cliché?"

"God no, please. I think I know the question. I don't know, I mean we're supposed to be taking a break and I feel like we'd both procrastinate it into just forgetting all of that. But I don't want to procrastinate into forgetting all of that because I love you and...I don't really know. I feel like I'm just spewing out verbal garbage," she said as I began to drive us onto the interstate.

"So then why don't we just take it slow?" I said as I began driving faster.

"Slow sounds better then procrastination," she joked out. "But really, I'd rather call you my boyfriend then have to say I'm on a break," she said as the sun peaked out from behind the clouds. She leaned back in the seat and opened a chocolate bar and put it in my face, letting me take a bite before she took one.

"I love you," I said as I drove in the direction of the sun.

"I love you too, sasquatch." She smiled as I let out a groan of displeasure.

"I'm not a sasquatch are we seriously gonna go back to this morning?"

"Yes. Because you're a sasquatch." She pulled her feet under her as Lost in Stereo by All Time Low began to play.

"I'm trying to be romantic and you call me a sasquatch. You're so rude."

"Okay, fine you're an adorable sasquatch that I've just happened to fall in love with. Does that make you feel better?" She leaned over and kissed my cheek before settling back.

"Yes, it makes me feel slightly better. " I took one hand off of the steering wheel and grabbed her hand in mine. "How far away is Portland?"

"Eleven hours," she said as she kept eating the chocolate bar. "Wanna stop for the night or keep driving?"

"Keep driving. I'm pretty sure that you can keep me interested." I knew she was smiling and that made me happy because I didn't want to see her break down again because I'm an idiot.


So I'm really sorry if this is a crap chapter, it's more or less a filler in my mind, a two and a half page 1270 word filler.

Anyways, I have a question:

What do you think should happen with Luke and Christines relationship? Should they go slow or go through with the original plan of the break?

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