Chapter 10

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I was restless, and I didn't feel safe. Dallas's house was dark, cold, and still smelled something awful. I got up and went outside for some fresh air, because, damn, was I lightheaded. My phone buzzed in my pocket. (I kept it on vibrate for good measure once I entered the house.)

"Anthony Ramos Martinez."

It was Lin.

"Your mother just called. Where the hell are you?"

"Lin, don't kill me. I found Jasmine. She's in Dallas's car. I saw him pull out of the garage and she was in the backseat-"

"You're at his house?!"

I swallowed dryly before continuing. "I know. It ain't smart for me to be here, but I just couldn't wait anymore. I need her back, Lin. I need to know she's okay."

"I'm picking you up. What's the house number?"


He hung up without saying another word. I sat down on the porch steps and took a deep, shaky breath. I don't cry a whole lot, but the flood gates opened after I put my phone away. I needed Jasmine. I needed her safe and in my arms. I couldn't handle another minute with her gone.

I heard police sirens in the distance, but I just kept crying. What if they don't get her out? What if Dallas gets away? What if I never see her again? What if the baby's dead? What if she's dead? God, Anthony, quit asking so many goddamn "what if" questions. Why do you do that? You know it ain't true. But what if- shut up.

I couldn't take it. I didn't want to wait for Lin to pick me up and shove me back inside so that I could get yelled at like some 5 year old. I was 24, not 5. I can handle my own damn self. I didn't need someone I wasn't even related to telling me what to do. I got up, wiped my eyes, and started running. No more tears. No more feelings. Just running.

I listened for the sirens, following them frantically. I don't even know what I was feeling. I was running on adrenaline and the seething hatred I had for Dallas. If I had something on me, I'm pretty sure I would've gotten charged for murder that night. I was ready to break every bone in that bastard's body.

I pushed through the crowds as I listened for the sirens. They were getting louder, but they were getting drowned out as the city noises got louder with them, as well. I needed Jasmine safe. I stopped running for a while to catch my breath, when a car pulled up beside me.

"I told you to stay put!" Lin yelled from the window. "Get the hell in!" 

I looked over at Lin, taking heavy, deep breaths.

"Only if you take me to her," I said.


"Dallas has Jasmine, okay? I told you. She's in his car, and I'm close. I'm so close. I can probably catch up with them and I can help, Lin. I can help get her back and everything will be okay and-"

"Just get in."

I looked around. There was no other option; the sirens died out, which meant the police, Dallas, and Jasmine were long gone. I got in the car slowly, stepping into the shotgun seat.

"I'm sorry..." I muttered.

"Sorry?" Lin looked over at me with confusion. "We're staying up late tonight, Anthony. Let's go get Jasmine back."

My eyes widened and I looked back at Lin. Thank God it was finally happening. I couldn't wait to see her again, to hold her again, and to know she's safe again.

Lin drove down the road, a little faster than the speed limit, but that wasn't much of an issue. The streets weren't nearly as packed, so it was easy for us to swerve around the cars, even though I was getting a little sick because of it. It was for Jasmine, though, and I wasn't stepping foot into safety until I knew Jasmine was going with me.

"How do you know where these cops are headed?" Lin asked, to which I said, "Just listen for sirens."

The sirens started to fade in again. My heart was racing.

"Follow them," I told Lin. "Follow the sirens."

Suddenly, the sirens weren't so quiet. Red and blue started flashing from behind me and Lin. We both knew what that meant.

"Dammit!" Lin yelled, gassing it at that point. He looked over at me, seeing how wide-eyed and pale I looked. "Hey, if you're gonna hurl, don't get it all up in my car. Just lean out the window and feed the bastards behind us."

That statement alone nearly made me vomit. So much was happening at once. My head was spinning, I was dizzy, and I was throwing up in my mouth a little. (Disgusting, I know, but I'm trying to tell this with a bit more detail.) Lin kept speeding down the road as the sirens blared; I couldn't even hear the ones we were listening for anymore.

I shut my eyes tightly and took deep breaths. Thank God the streets were basically empty. Basically. There was one car going down the road with me and Lin- and we crashed right into it.

Luckily, neither of us got hurt, and we were able to climb out of the car. Lin swore at the top of his lungs and slammed the door shut, while I fell to my knees and vomited. We both looked up to see a band of policemen staring us down. It meant nothing good.

We were placed in the back of a police car, right next to each other, with our hands cuffed behind us. Lin looked over at me, looking just as tired as me.

"Vanessa's gonna kill me for this."

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