Chapter 3

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When I woke up the next morning, Jasmine was gone. Don't tell me, I thought. Don't tell me she went to work. I worry about her too much. I got up and got dressed, even if I didn't want to. 

When I went into the living room, I was relieved to see Jasmine on the couch. She looked up at me and smiled. I like that about her. No matter what happens to her, she smiles.

"You slept in," she said. "That's good."

"Really? What time is it?"

"About 10:50."

"Holy-" I was completely surprised. "I slept in that late?"

"I know. I ain't used to it, either."

"Well, uh..." I sighed. "When did you get up?"

"'Round eight."

"I'm sorry." Me and my apologies. "I probably kept you waiting."

"I'm glad you got some sleep," Jasmine said. "Besides, I just talk to Pippa. She wakes up at... I don't even know." She laughed a bit. "She keeps me company."

"That's good." I smiled at her. Despite everything that happens, I always manage to smile at my Jazzy. Just looking at her made all my problems go away. Jasmine smiled back. That smile was all I needed.

"I didn't have breakfast yet," Jasmine said. Of course, one of the first things to cross her mind in the morning was food. "Want me to make somethin'?"

"You don't gotta," I told her. "I'll go grab somethin'."

"Still can't cook." Jasmine smirked. "I mean, if that's what you wanna do, go ahead. As long as I end up fed."

I rolled my eyes. "Alright, princess, I'll be back soon."

"Thank you," Jasmine teased. We always mess with each other. It's our thing. I really liked that we had little jokes no one else understood.

I made a quick stop at the diner near us to get something to go. I remembered Jasmine's usual and thought it'd be safest to get that for her. The waitress knew me. We go there a lot for breakfast.

When I got back, Jasmine was biting her lip and scrolling through her phone. I knew that lip bite. She was nervous about something.


Jasmine just burst into tears. I couldn't help but feel like it was my fault. What did I do, though? I dropped my bags and sat down next to my girl, putting my arm around her. I didn't say anything. I just held her. That's what you do when she's crying. You hold her and don't say anything and just let her run out of tears. She'll explain eventually.

Once she calmed down a bit, I decided to do the talking. Normally, she's the one who talks first. Nothing seemed normal, though.

"Dallas..." Jasmine said after I asked her what was wrong. "H-He's sendin' me more... more damn texts..."

She handed her phone to me, which already had her messages opened. I looked at the messages from the blocked number, feeling the anger boil up inside me again. These texts were worse, though. It started with flirting, then they got more dirty, and eventually he started threatening her. I wanted to find that bastard and give him what's coming.

"H-He ain't gonna do anything, right?" Jasmine asked me. That look just tore me apart. Tears were soaking up her scared eyes and she was shaking like a lost puppy. I didn't know whether or not I should tell the truth.

"I don't know," was all I said. "I don't know..."

Jasmine leaned against me, as if she wanted to protect herself. I don't know why. I ain't good at keeping people safe. Then again, I never know about anything.

"We'll do what we can," I told her. I held her close, doing my best to protect her. "I'll make sure he don't lay a hand on you."

Jasmine let out a few more sobs and nodded. I hated to see her cry. My Jazzy never deserved to go through that.

"Anthony..." I heard her whisper.

"Yeah, Jazz?"

"I love you... so much..."

She sounded like that would be the last time she would get to say that to me.

"I love you, too, Jazz."

I wish I could tell you the next few days were decent. Jasmine and I both just kind of depended on each other. Neither of us went to the theater; neither of us felt good. I think it's safe to say we both felt sick to our stomach about the whole situation. The only thing on our minds was when Dallas was coming, and what he was gonna do once he got here.

I think the only good thing that came out of all of that was the news Jasmine told me about a week into our... break? I dunno. All I know is it felt nice to not have to worry about anything. Except for some psycho ex-boyfriend wanting to do awful things to my girlfriend. Y'know.

"Anthony," she called from the restroom. "Could you c'mere?"

I followed her voice and leaned against the closed door. "You alright, Jazz?"

"Well, come in, idiot."

I rolled my eyes and walked into the room. Jasmine was sitting on the counter, looking at something. I couldn't tell what it was at first, but when I did, I could've passed out. I knew what was coming.

"So, um... I took a test like you told me to-"

"I told you to do that three weeks ago."

"Yeah, don't interrupt me. I took a test like you told me to, and uh... Surprise."

Jasmine showed me the pregnancy test. Positive.

Neither of us said anything for a while. It was dead silent. I processed the news, and Jasmine was just waiting for a reaction. 

Why now? I thought. Why couldn't this have happened months ago, when Dallas was still in jail and Jasmine wasn't worried for her life?

"You okay, Anthony?" Jasmine asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah," I lied. "It's just... damn. I didn't really expect it, y'know?"

"Well, you should've. I ain't all that surprised, honestly. I had a feelin' that it was comin'."

We fell silent again. I thought that maybe this was a sign that everything was gonna be okay after all. Maybe Dallas would leave her alone and our relationship would stay the way it is? I just hoped I was right.

I wasn't.

I'm (Not) SorryWhere stories live. Discover now