Chapter One.

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Out of my peripheral vision I saw green, blue, and purple jerseys as young soccer players scampered out of the rain. As usual, they took no notice of a small, red-headed sixteen year old girl as she wandered aimlessly around the ball park.

The rain was cold and quickly seeping through my soft jacket, but I didn't care. My eyes were peeled for him; looking to the left and to the right continuously. I would know him the minute I saw him, even though we haven't seen eachother in months. He was tall and thin, with dirty blonde hair and eyes the color of the deepest oceans. He looked like the average teen to any other girl my age, but he was mine. And he knew it.


I was searching frantically for her; a small framed girl with a pixie-like charm about her. She had red hair that hung down her back, and piercing brown eyes, often speckled with golden flecks.

The rain plastered my hair to my forehead, but I ignored it. I blinked to keep the raindrops off my eyelashes.

Then I saw her. Standing with her back to me; her long hair sparkling with rain. Her white jacket was becoming sodden with water, but the rain was slowing to a soft mist, and she didn't seem to care.

I wanted to run to her. I wanted to hold her my arms forever. But instead, I let her walk off; I trailed behind her for a while, attempting to look bored.


I could feel him. I knew he was close, but where?

"The trees," a soft voice in the back of my mind whispered. I blinked. I was used to the small voice speaking to me, but I was more confused of why I hadn't thought of it first.

I immediately turned and trotted towards the tiny cluster of trees and bushes that surrounded the soccer field my younger sister was playing on.  

No one noticed as I slipped into the brush. No one notices me anyway, I thought to myself. It was true, honestly. I am a quiet teenager who always keeps to herself, why would anyone notice me? Who says I want them to? I told myself.


I watched her walk to the woods and slip into the overgrown brush. I smiled to myself.

Walking to the trees, I felt jittery. So I did what I always did when I was nervous; I turned invisible. Turning invisible relaxes me; it allows me to see my surroundings before it sees me.

Sliding into the trees, I found myself in an clearing. Alone. I turned, scanning the trees. Then I saw her, sitting in the top of a tree as comfortably as if it were a couch.

"Sketch?" I called out, still invisible.

Her head snapped up, alert. "Rye?" She practically whispered. "Please show yourself; I don't like talking to air." She smiled a playful smile; the same smile that I fell in love with.


I watched as my beloved Rye materialized in the clearing below. Like every other time I saw him, my breath caught in throat. "Hey," I breathed.

"Hello there," he said, a shy smile crawled across his face. "Are you gonna come down? I'll catch you." He chuckled, knowing perfectly well that I did not need help getting down from my perch. However, I knew that he the strength to catch me.

I laughed at him and dropped out of my tree where I been sitting maybe fifteen feet in the air. He bolted out and caught me easily, as if I were a small rock. "Humph," I mumbled when I landed in his arms.

Rye leaned down and kissed me delicately on the forehead, still holding me bridal-style.


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