Chapter Five.

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"Hey, Momma," I waved to my mother from across the sidewalk. Rye walked quietly next to me, his long fingers enveloping mine.

"Hello, Eve," She smiled. Her hazel eyes flickered to Rye, but she said nothing. They were not on the best terms at the moment.

"Hello, Mrs. Richardson," Rye said politely. He was always so polite to everyone, even my mother. My mom nodded hello, but again said nothing. I rolled my eyes.

"Mother. You could at least acknowledge Rye," I snapped.

"Evealine, you will not use that tone with me," she retorted. I grimaced at my full name; I hate it. "Hello, Rye." She greeted him curtly, and then excused herself.


Mrs. Richardson hates me. I don't know why. "Sketch, why does she hate me?" I murmured. Sketch looked at me with those huge brown eyes and I immediately melted. A smirk crawled across her face.

"I don't know, babe." We were huddled under a huge oak tree, attempting to watch her little sisters soccer game. Sketch scrambled onto my lap, and I hugged her close.

"Eve!" Her mother yelled, her eyebrows skyrocketing at our postion. Sketch groaned. "It's time to go!"

"Awww..." Sketch whined into my shoulder. "See you tonight?"

"Of course, love," I smiled against her forehead.

"Evealine!" Mrs. Richardson called. Mr. Richardson appeared at her side, hot and sweaty from the grueling job of being a soccer coach.

"It's hot," he stated plainly, smiling widely at his daughter as we approached. "Well, well, well. Rye has reappeared!" Mr. Richardson and I are great friends.

We shook hands. "Yes, sir." I smiled hugely; it's nice to be welcomed by at least one of my girlfriend's parents.

"Well, I've got to head home. Mom's making fried chicken for dinner. Yum.." I sighed, mock rubbing my stomach. I kissed Stetch lightly on the forehead. "See you soon, babe." I winked.

Sketch's face fell at the mention of goodbye, but she brightened when I invited her to dinner the following night. "Yeah, of course!" She hugged me, and I set off to my car; my heart already longing for her.

"See you tonight," I whispered, but I knew she could hear me.


 Laying in bed, I stared at my ceiling, debating whether or not to call Rye. It wasn't too late, but late enough for both of my parents and my sister to be in bed. Just as I was reaching for my phone, I felt a small gush of wind seep through my open window.

"Rye!" I whisper-screamed. "Are you there?"

I felt my bed sink with a sudden weight and I took that as a yes. Rye was invisible. I stuck my long arms out, feeling quite foolish as I felt the darkness around me. Two invisble hands wrapped around my wrists, stopping their search.

Rye materialized in front of me; the darkness wouldn't allow me to see his beautiful face, but I could see the tall muscular outline of my boyfriend. "Wanna go for a walk?"

"Sure!" I said a bit too loudly, and my head snapped towards the door. I listened intently, my extra-ordinary hearing coming in great handy. I heard my ten year old sister roll over in her bed, and my dad grumble in his sleep; my mother continued to snore delicately. "We're good," I told Rye, and heard him let out a deep breath.

I stumbled out of bed and met Rye by the window. If I were a Normal, I would look out of my third story bedroom window, and be terrified, but instead of terror, excitement and adrenaline shot through my body.

Rye went first, he wasn't a jumper, and he landed with a thud. I stuck my head out of the window, making sure he was alright.

"All good!" He said, soundly slightly out of breath.

I stood at the window for a moment more, and then I jumped.


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