Chapter Four.

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As Sketch and I walk back to the clearing, questions began racing through my mind, but I didn't want to swamp her on my first day back.

I guess I should explain where I went.

Sketch and I are...speical. We live in Aridox, a small little country off the coast of Georgia. The climate is mild, much like Georgia's, but with more rain; rain that is soft and comforting. There are not many people like us. We have "abilities" that normal human teenagers don't have. I can turn invisible, run at immeasurable speeds, and I have the strength of five grown men. Sketch, she's amazing. Her "abilities" are insane agility, like jumping and climbing, amazing hearing, and her new found wolfiness. Also, we both have incredible eyesight.

I am a Hunter. Hunters are people that literally hunt demons. The bad ones, at least. Spirado, which are ghastly spiders the size of a grown man, are the most wanted and the hardest to catch of all demons. They feed on the flesh and blood of Hunters, and only Hunters.

Beileve it or not, there are more Hunters than one may think. Hunters look like normal people. Two eyes, one nose, one mouth, two arms and legs, hair, the whole shabang. Yet, we are different. Our blood sets us apart. We were born to protect Aridox and other small countries all over the world.

Aridox is the head of all the countries of Palaties, the nation of the Hunters. Many normal humans live on Aridox and the surrounding countries, but they never see or notice the demons that descend on their helpless lives. This is called the Veil. No average human being can see through the Veil. It doesn't change the demon or weapons we Hunters carry around, they just don't see them; it's as if they aren't there.

Most recently, I was on a mission to defeat the Yahmak demon in the distant country of Discovia. Discovia is the smallest of the Palaties countries. Forests and lakes dot the land and few people live there. The Yahmak demon is horrible. It was born to destroy the human population, Hunters and Normals (average humans) alike. Why it attacked the land of Discovia, I have no idea. With such a small population of Hunters and Normals, they had nothing to sustain itself. And yet, when my band of Hunters and myself managed to find this horrible demon, it was strong, alive.

We did not offically kill the Yahmak. We did wound it greatly, if I do say so myself. We were gone for many weeks, leaving Sketch here on Aridox alone. The look in her brown eyes was heartbreaking. They were glazed with tears, but she was biting her lip to hold them back. A few traitorous tears slipped over the edge of her eyelids, and it took all the strength in my body not to promise her that I would never leave again. But I can't promise her that, nor that I would ever return. She knew that.


With Rye back, I feel complete. Being "special", I don't have many friends on Aridox, or anywhere for that matter. It's rather sad. I know that Rye has to leave, but I hate it. I hate that he has to leave me. I hate that I am left alone for weeks upon weeks, never knowing if he will return to me. And yet, I respect it. He is a Hunter, a hero.

My parents and sister are Normals. They do not know that I am "special". Technically speaking, I am a Flash. Being a Flash means that you are not a Hunter, but you are not a Normal. There are more girl Flashes than Hunters, mainly because of bloodline. To be a girl Hunter is practically unheard of. Not illegal. Just "unnatural", according the Tithe.

The Tithe is the ruler of Palaties. Much like a king, to be the next Tithe, you must be of the former Tithe's bloodline, most preferably the first-born son. However, the current Tithe is a woman; her formal name is Tithe Rosemary. Tithe Rosemary is a kind ruler. She is currently one-hundred and three years old, quite young for a Tithe. Unlike her age, she is a quick and agile as a twenty year old. She has yellow flowing hair and bright amber eyes that can melt a heart of stone, or kill with a glare.

Even though the Tithes before her claim Lady-Hunters are "unruly", she is persuading her Court to allow them completely. I am excited for this change. I am fond of Tithe Rosemary, and believe that she is a great ruler.

I want to be a Lady-Hunter.


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