Chapter Nineteen.

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I turned my head to see fifteen year old Ian Tyler, son of Emory and Geniveve Tyler, and nephew of Jade Tyler, staring lovingly at my sister. However, Ian looked nothing like his blonde haired, blue eyed father or his blonde haired, bronze eyed mother and sister. With his wine-red curls and intense gray eyes, Ian stood out among the Tylers.

Ian was a good kid; he never stayed out too late and kept his grades up at the Shade Academy, the Shade Pack school. He was shy and usually stayed in the background, and he cared more about pleasing people than pleasing himself. His sense of style was much better than the saggy pants and floppy hair I see most boys his age wearing. Even if he was only wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, Ian always looked calm and collected.

Although, even with his shy personality and natural selflessness, my "big brother" kicked in, and I stepped up to the plate.

"Now, Sammie, I think you ought to get to know each other. Before you get into all that," I said, attempting to tell Ian to be careful with my eyes. He seemed to understand, blinking out of his love-filled trance, he nodded a bit, discretely telling me that he understood.

"Rye!" I felt a hand whack the back of my head, and looked to see Sketch standing behind me wearing a playful smile.

"No, I think he's right," Ian finally said, still watching Samantha's face. "Maybe we should hang out a bit, get to know each other."

A small frown creased Sammie's eyebrows, but she nodded, attempting a smile. "That sounds...good. I'm Samantha, but you can call me Sammie." She gave him a charming smile, and I could tell he was trying not to melt at her feet; I felt the same way the first time I had met Eve.

"Ian Tyler," he flashed a shy smile in return. "Want to go take a walk?" He gestured outside.

Samantha turned to us with a look of a small child asking for ice cream before dinner, her green eyes showing her geniune happiness. I nodded and Mom gave her a wink; I still couldn't believe how fast they had made up, but Sammie was happy, and that's what mattered. She bounced a little in her seat before jumping up and prancing to Ian's side.


*Samantha's P.O.V.*

The minute I laid eyes on Ian, I knew he was the one. His wine colored hair and his shy gray eyes sent shivers down my spine. I could only stare at him, taking in his tall, not-too-sculpted body and smiling lips.

We walked into the surprisingly empty yard and our hands seem to intertwine themseleves on their own; I blushed.

"So, how do you know Rye?" He asked, his voice was deep and soft. If chocolate was a sound, that's what Ian's voice sounded like: chocolate.

"I'm his sister," I tried to sound nonchalant about it all, but I knew this was the hard part, "the get-to-know-why-the-Alpha's-daughter-hasn't-been-around-for-seven-years part".

"Why haven't I met you then?"

I snuck a sideways glance at him, blushing when I saw him staring intently at me. "It's kind of a long story."

"I've got time," He said, sencerity lacing through his chocolate voice. I looked at him, astonished that someone would be so interested in the sad story known as my life.

"Well, when I was seven," I began, stopping to sit on the edge of the clean cut lawn. "I found out I was a witch." I stopped there to watch his reaction. His gray eyes flickered with surprise, but he didn't laugh or yell at me.

"Cool," I heard him murmur to himself. "My mate is a witch." I blushed at the word 'mate', but I didn't protest.

"My mom wasn't too happy. Matter of fact, she was so upset that she kicked me out, sending me away to live with relatives," a growl escaped from Ian's lips as my voice quivered, "but when I got there, the house was deserted. So, I gathered some food and clothes, stuffed them in my bag, and have been living off the woods ever since."

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