Chapter Six.

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I watched Sketch drop from her window; her firey red hair trailing behind her in thick waves. Dashing out to catch her, she drop softly into my waiting arms, a huge grin lighting up her face. She was beautiful.

Setting her down, she grabbed my hand and tugged me towards the woods behind her house. We walked among the thick trees until we reached a humongous oak tree with a rope ladder attached to the side. While Sketch used little effort to jump into the branches, I had to climb up the ladder; I did so with the grace of a four year old.

Sketch's laugh filtered down to me. "Rye, babe. One foot in front of the other." She giggled insanely,  swaying on the branch she was ever so lightly perched on.

I mock-glared at my beautiful girlfriend. "Evealine Rose Richardson, I swear," I mumbled, and heard a gasp slip through her teeth. I reached the last rung of the ladder, finally swinging myself onto the branch my Sketch was sitting on.

I turned to her; I was caught off gaurd by the look of horror and confusion that lit up her gorgeous face. "Sketch? Babe? What is it? What's wrong?" My voice sounded frantic, but she made no move to respond.

We sat in silence for some time. Her face slowly returning to the serene look I've grown to know and love.


He was here; that man from the Cave. I saw him before he saw me, and the look on his face was murderous. That man was out for someone. And that someone was me.

"He's here," I whispered, making my facial features return to a look of calmness. "He's here for me." Tears glistened in my eyes as I fumbled for Rye's hands.

"What?! Who?" Rye exclaimed, panic causing his voice to go up a few octaves. His hands left mine, cupping my face instead.

"The man from the Cave," I told him, being sure to keep my voice low. "He knows about me."

Rye looked at me with the cutest look of confusion that I wanted to laugh. "About you?"

"My...wolf," I explained sheepishly.

"Oh," was all Rye could say.

"Rye, don't let him take me," I whimpered, letting go of all my strength; I was scared. "He wants me; he wants me dead." My voice broke, and a few traitorous tears slipped over my eyelids.

Rye brushed the tears away; his fingers leaving a trail of burning everywhere he touched me. "I'll protect you. Hunter's Swear."

"Stay the night?" I asked, ignoring the childish tone in my voice.

"Of course, love." I jumped from the tree and landed softly on the moist soil; Rye was down the ladder in a few more seconds. He scooped me up and we ran home.


We lay together in Sketch's warm bed, her body pressing against mine. Someone was out for Sketch; my Sketch.

Sketch sighed sleepily into my chest. "Rye?" Her voice was muffled.


"I'm sorry," I felt warm tears seep through my t-shirt. Her tears.

"For what?"I was so confused.

"Everything. For being a wolf. For being a baby. For being me," she babbled.

"Eve, I love you for you. Wolf and all. You are beautiful, and I couldn't imiagine a better person to be with," I whispered to her. "And as for being a baby, that just means I get to hold you more."

I felt her smile aganist my shirt. "Thank you, Rye. I love you." She tilted her head up and I kissed her right on the lips. She slipped her arms around my neck and pressed her lips to mine. Our lips moved in perfect sync, and I sighed when she pulled away.

"Goodnight, love." I told her, kissing her forehead.

"Goodnight, Rye." She mumbled.

I was exhausted and it was long until darkness consumed us both.


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