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Night fell quickly and silently like the predator hunting the prey

Perhaps it was because he skipped the rest of his classes that day, he didn't come to dinner either he just lay on his bed half lifeless in thought

Thoughts that suffocated him anxiety build up like a fire in his chest sparks flicker and then die down as he began rethinking his current situation

The door opened and he pulled the covers over his face as some of the people he shared the room with came in a few mumbles and whispers and laught till it died down and He was alone with his thought he closed his eyes darkness consuming his sight like a sea of black

He stayed like that for a few minutes thinking then rethinking those thoughts and then repeating his action

his thought were mostly on harry and or his family did his dad expect to much from him?


Would he be able to keep his father happy?

Well that was a thought that kept crossing his mind he could only ever keep his father happy for so long

And then his mind traveled to astoria

The girl his father was going to make him marry the girl was obsessed with him it bugged him deeply he would never like her even if he wasn't gay he was positive that he still wouldn't like her
She was pretty but not his type

And now here he was at possible 3 am staring at the ceiling trying to get his tounge to touch his nose out of boredom he rolled over and curling himself into a ball and hugging his pillow and closed his eyes keeping them shut waiting for sleep to take him and so it did

He woke up early and got dressed quickly walking into the bathroom saying spell that charmed his hair to look neat before washing his face and brushing his teeth as he walked out no one was awake not yet at least he walked down the squeaky stairs and into the common room and left he soon reached his destination the great hall no one sat at the Slytherin table he picked up a bowl from the stack of white bowls and put in the cereal and pouring in milk before he went and sat down he took a spoon of his cereal and swallowed it he stopped as he seen he wasn't the only one who was in the great hall

No someone sat at the gryffindor table it was a guy who was eating his cereal staring off into another world but he was soon knocked out of his work as he noticed draco staring at him while he eat

Harry stopped what he was doing and stared at draco there eye's locking for a few seconds till other people came in and there eyes broke contact as harry began a conversation with ginny and draco frowned and nodded to himself staring at his food

After breakfast he headed to herbology
Ginny walked in and sat down next to harry as the black haired boy turned and gave her his full attention as she went on about how tired she was and how she lacked sleep and how she was fed up with snape's attitude harry listened mindlessly nodding his head he didnt care what she was saying

"harry are you listening?!?!" she half shouted a bit annoyed

"uh no" harry admitted biting his lip

"ugh" she groaned getting up and leaving harry shrugged as he looked over to the slytherin table to see the missing seat that draco once sat at but he wasnt there anymore he had left

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