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"that's like so fetch" Ginny said and laughted while Luna stared at her raising her eyebrow

"huh?" she asked confused as she lifted up her pink glasses the both of them were lying in a field not to far from hogsmede Luna was curled up cuddling Ginny and Ginny giggled

"when you come over for the summer ill watch the movie with you" Ginny promised and Luna smiled softly as she picked up a daisy lifting it up and putting it in Ginny's hair

"your amazing" Ginny whispered pressing her lips against Luna's ones


"you can be such a dork sometimes granger" pansy mentioned as she smirked and Hermione's eyes shot up at her

"where did you come from Parkinson" Hermione asked suspiciously

"doesn't matter anyway i need to talk to you in private" pansy whispered to Hermione before looking away and Hermione grinned


A small smile crept on Draco's face as he seen harry walk into the class room

"your late!" Snape hissed draco looked back at his potions book and harry glanced at him before sitting down two rows away in his usual spot with Hermione and Ron

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