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"Wake up you lazy git!" A female voice said but Draco's vision was a blur because of a bright light above. Finally his eyes settled on two figures, which he identified as Pansy and Hermione

Oh those bitches

Pansy was smirking evilly and Hermione was grinning

"You guys are fucked up" Draco shouted at them looking around the room his eyes landing on Harry

"PANSY PARKINSON WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM" Draco shouted trying to get out of his seat

"Please Malfoy chill out" Hermione said calmly

With a flick of grangers wand Draco was untied from his chair

And the two apperated away to somewhere

Harry began to stir in his sleep his eyes opening slightly before shutting quickly. He pulled himself up and looked around the room his eyes landing on Draco

"Where are we?" Harry asked confused as he tried to stand up, his knees nearly bucking

"Room of requirement probably" Draco answered awkwardly as he started to realise what had happened

Pansy and Hermione had locked them in here so they could get back together

"I'm sorry" Draco whispered

Harry didn't look at him but nodded

"Talk to me Harry please" Draco begged

"What is there to say Draco?" Harry asked but it was more of a statement

"You know why I'm doing this right?" Draco asked him

"Because you don't think I'm able to protect you" Harry said with a sight as he got up and began tapping on walls

"What are you doing?" Draco asked confused

"Looking for a way out sorta" harry explained

Draco's eyes slowly travelled up to a air vent, his eyes widened. Maybe now would be a good time to sort things out with Draco

"I'm sorry but I can't risk your safety after all you've  done for me"
Draco said in a depressing tone

"iM soRry BuT I cAnt rIsK youRr saFety after all youvE done for M3"
Harry mimicked like the little hormonal teenager he is

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