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"I did it for his safety Pansy!" Draco screamed at her as he started to kick and throw shit but she stood there unfazed waiting for him to collapse on the ground and sob

"I know but Draco you know your father will still come even if you broke up with him" Pansy said waving her wand and fixing a smashed lamp

"You broke my favourite lamp" Pansy said and Draco glared at her

"I miss him Pansy" Draco sobbed

"You only seen him 2 hours ago" she said but Draco frowned wiping his eyes with his sleeve

"Stop crying Draco I know you, you have been through shit but you would never let anyone hurt him" Pansy said pulling him off the ground and he looked at her and nodded

"I will never let anyone hurt him!" Draco promised mostly to himself and Pansy smiled and nodded


"It's bad Pansy so very bad" Hermione went on leaning against the wall of the Astronamy tower. She proceeded to plunge her hand into her pocket pulling out a packet of cigarettes and using her wand to light one

"I should have never given you one after sex" Pansy mumbled before sighting and putting her hand in the air and Hermione took the smoke out of her mouth and handed it to her, Pansy taking it and putting it on her lips taking a inhale and then a exhale

"So how did harry react when he got back?" Pansy asked flicking their cigarette out through the bars of f the window

"Ron said he sulked in his bed, said his pillow was completley wet he didn't even turn up for dinner or lunch" Hermione sighted

"Draco didn't either he just had a tantrum but then said that he would always protect Harry" Pansy said

"It's odd how Harry was always the
Strong one but now Draco is stronger"

"Hermione Draco is like a baby bird, all Harry did was help his broken wing and soon the baby bird is growing up to become a strong eagle so he can protect him against the death eaters" Pansy said with a sight shaking her head

"Do you think his father will come after him?" Hermione asked worried

"I think he will definetly come we just need to prepared to keep both of them safe" Pansy said before cupping her girlfriends cheeks with her hands and leaning in to taste her cold lips


" they called him the gay Malfoy!" Belatrix screamed so Lucius could hear her

I'm sorry this chapter was really short please bare with me but other than that I hope you enjoyed it just a warning there will be probably a whole lot of angst in the chapters upcoming

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