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The owl foot tapped against the window before Draco got up to open it. He petted her on the head and took the envelope read

Draco Malfoy
Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry

His heart missed several beats as he realised the hand writting was his mothers he turned the enevelope around and tore it open

Your father is on trial he is going to be sentenced to Azkaban

Why was it that the tears always found their way out?

The tears trickled down his cheeks and his hands  imbedded into his hair his nails digging into his scalp

"Draco?" harrys voice asked

"go away!" Draco whimpered wipping the tears of his face

"baby tell me what happened" Harry whispered softly walking over slowly to draco

"i said go away!" Draco hissed and Harry backed away

"you wouldnt understand!" Draco stated as he closed his eyes in a attempt to stop his tears

"help me understand please" harry pleaded as he walked towards him

"h-he's been sent to...Azkaban" Draco stammered

"Merlin" harry muttered he put a hand on Draco's shoulder

"its okay sssshhhh" harry hushed softly

"how do you know it will be alright?" he sobbed he didnt know why he was crying honestly this man had watched him be abused and beat him he didnt show him much kindness either
But it was still his father and the thought if losing his father made him sad

He was now seated on harry's lap while harry shushed him and he cried into his shoulder

Not long after they had fallen asleep. Draco cuddling harry's side tightly and harry letting draco rest his head on his arm


"wake up boy!" his father shouted as he felt something cold be poured over him , it didnt stop the coldness it just kept on going and he started to feel numb one of his eye's managed to open,  his blood stained the bathroom tiles and his father had left him like that. his clothes were getting soaked and he reached for his leg only to scream in pain when seeing the gash,a bruise on his left cheek and a cut on his forehead he wasnt sure what had happened the night before


He shot up straight up out of bed and started to pant heavily . he woke up harry in the process who seemed startled for just a moment before realising his boyfriend was in a heap crying he hugged him tightly

"its okay my prince"

"im here"

"im gonna protect you"

"im not gonna let anyone hurt you"

He sniffles as harry kept whispering soft and reasurring things into his ear before softly kissing him on the forehead

"baby please tell me what you were dreaming about" he pleaded

"N-No" draco stammered looking away but harry cupped his cheeks and made him look at him

"please i want to help you" harry begged stroking the boy's porcelain skin

"i-i-i....i-it was about my f-father" he whispered and harry smiled softly this is the furdest he had gotten

"what was he saying or doing?" harry asked slowly and Draco started to cry a little

"i dont remeber what he did to m-me i just know he did it he was the last person i saw the night befo-" he was cut off

"what do you mean the night before draco was it a dream or a memory" harry said in  Serious tone he was now very concerned

"i-i-i.... It was a memory" Draco admitted biting his lip as he tried to get under the covers

"Draco what did you see when you woke up?" harry asked softly

"h-he beat me the night before" draco mumbled and the look of pity was plain on harry's face

"did they do this to you reugl-" harry was cut off by himself "they did didnt they? " he asked

"yes" was all he said and then he started crying it wasnt the dream. It was that this was really the first time he admitted it

"No No shush baby" harry whispered hugging him

"i will never ever let anyone hurt you ever again i promise" he whispered kissing his forehead

Draco fell back asleep but harry stared at the ceiling keeping his boyfriend close

He was going to do anything to protect him but tomorrow he was going to have to get draco to tell him everything

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