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Draco stared at the wall that was painted a dark shade of green then he looked around the room, the room lacked something something beautiful

A window

The dungeons were so depressing to be honest .his mind was hurting from his boredom & he had finished his homework earlier

He just sat there thinking for a minute till his eye's landed on his nimbus 2001 he pulled himself up off the bed and grabbed it as he left the Slytherin Common Room

He was soon on the pitch . he positioned himself on his broom kicked off from the ground and shot up his hair flying back as he started to zoom around to pass time he zoomed down and then glided up landed on one of the Slytherin stands he sat on the top and looked out at Hogwarts it was a nice school

"for fuck sake i cant wait to get out of here!" draco hissed to himself it was true he wanted to get over his little fangirl crush on potter tho no matter how much he tried he couldnt


Maybe im not trying hard enough i thought to myself as i stood up noticing someone down on the pitch

"shit" i cursed under my breath as i sat back down looks like im gonna be here for a while

The person was on a fire bolt i watched closely as they started to hover above the ground before shooting off into the sky

It was only a matter of seconds before I soon realised who it was harry potter he zipped around before he spotted me and he glided down

"what are you doing here  dragon?" harry said casualy

"i could ask you the same thing potter!" i spat with fake venom

"awe dont be so mad" he smirked as he stood at the edge

"if i Wanted to i could kick you off" i stated looking down to the ground it was a far drop

"ooohh fiesty" harry noted to himself earning a glare from me

"your insuferable potter!" i stated before looking at his black converses

"im only trying to have a laught with you cmon your always so depressed" harry stated it was kinda a question but why am i always so depressing

"sorry" i whispered biting my lip i could feel his eyes burn into my head but i didnt wanna look at him

"wait what am i hearning ths correctly?" he choked on laughter "draco malfoy is saying sorry"

"im not a people's person potter" i stated simply shrugging

"no shit sherlock" he chuckled i thought i was being lifted into heaven for a moment

"who's sherlock?" i asked confused who is sherlock?

"never mind" he laughted, why is he always happy why is he always laughting

"why are you always so happy potter?" i ask him and he shrugs

"cause i seen you today and you make me happy" he grinned and i blushed before he pressed his lips against mine

My eyes went wide as he hoped i would kiss back and so i did

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