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"so you gonna tell pansy and zabini" harry asked his Boyfriend who was staring at him Grinning for 10 minutes straight *cought* cought* sorry i meant staring at him 10 minutes gayly. that any better?

"well pansy is aware and im quiet certain getting beat up by blaise for the rest of the school years is a no no" draco said playfully grinning

"what about granger and weasly?" draco asked as he stared down at his half eaten pancake

"im sure they will be fine with it..yknow since Mione and pansy are a thing" harry mumbled and draco nodded

"what about your parents draco" harry asked. The look of sudden fear hit his eyes what would his father think they would surely kill him or worse disown him

Sudden darkness started to block his view till he heard harry shout his name which brought him back

"i cant tell them" draco said simply eating more if his pancake

"ah okay" harry said honestly he didnt question much and it was odd he didnt question why draco was depressed he didnt question much about draco perhaps it was a mind fuck (tut tut you dirty minded people so read wrong that)

"well i have to go break the news to ginny that i aint fucking her on friday" harry joked and draco's eyes went wide

"I'm joking baby" he grinned and draco glared at him

"i wanna come" draco shrugged

"wait what?" harry asked

"well if I'm gonna be dating you that means I'm gonna have to get along with your friends" draco said and literally skipped over to him

Time skip brought to you by your authors head ache

"is that Malfoy and Harry?" Ron whispered to Hermione who looked up from her book to see indeed the Slytherin and Gryffindor walking together right their way

"hey guys" harry greeted draco stared at the ground instantly regretting this as a lot of people began to stare

"is there somewhere private i can talk to you both?" harry asked and they both nodded cautiously getting up and leaving

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