Chapter Twenty Four

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- Josh's POV -

I sat on the grass with Rose for ages, at least I got away from crying for a few hours. She is very quiet but is talkative when I ask her things.. Her hair is the same style and colour as Ambers, which is why I thought it was her.

I wonder if Amber is ok. I should go see.. no! What am I thinking? She tried to hurt me right? Maybe I was wrong about her, maybe she did want to be with her mum. I was taking her away from home.

"Josh?" Rose said waving her hand in front of my face, I jumped and looked at her.

"Oh sorry" I responded while looking around, I glanced at Ambers house quickly.. Still as silent as ever.

"I really want to meet your friend" Rose said while getting up from the grass.

"Who...?" I answered.

"Uh.. Amber?" She said laughing, I looked around and laughed with her.

"Oh yeah, well i think she's out at the moment.. Maybe later?"

"Sure!" She said happily, I walked Rose to her house.. Only a few doors down from mine. She smiled and waved while going into her house.

I don't wanna go home.. I'm gonna go for a walk.

- Ambers POV -

"What am I gonna do" I said repeatedly to myself, I was looking through the notes that were spread across my mothers walls. The book made no sense to me either.

I really miss Josh, but I feel angry because I know he was telling that random girl about me.. What am I gonna do now?

If I went near Josh I would hurt him, I wouldn't mean too but.. It's the anger.

The door suddenly knocked, I jumped at the noise making the house shake. I'm not answering it.. what if that girl already phoned the police on me!! no stop, you're getting too paranoid.

I slowly stepped out into the landing of my house, not going near the stairs. I threw myself on to the floor and shuffled to the corner, peeking downstairs and at the door.

It was the police, I shivered. He did, he told them!

Control your anger Amber.. you don't want them to hear you.

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