Chapter One

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Ever since I was a little girl, I've always wanted to visit Disney World. My parents aren't poor, but we're not rich either. We've never been able to set aside much money for a big vacation, so we've never gone. I have barely left the state of Pennsylvania, so I've never even thought of actually going all the way to Florida.

I've also always wanted to be a Disney princess. Even to this day as I end my high school career, I wish to be a princess. I know how childish that is, but I've always wanted my happily ever after. Over the past two years of working a part time job at a local pizza shop, I finally saved enough money to go to Disney with my best friends, before we all go our separate ways.

I'm knocked out of my thoughts by my best friend, Sylvie elbowing me. "Dylan's about to read his speech," she tells me.

Of course Dylan would be our class's valedictorian. He has been in advanced classes and has had straight A's since 6th grade. He's going to college to be a computer programmer. Since the day I met him, I knew he was way out of my league. Somehow, that didn't stop me from liking him. I look up and give him a small wave. He gives me a warm smile back. His honey blonde hair sticks out of his cap, and I know he will complain about it being messed up later.

As Dylan finishes his speech, our school's super intendant begins to announce the names of our graduating class. It feels like years before my name is finally called.

"Isabella Mae Peters." I walk up to my principal and take my diploma.

For most people, they're happy high school is over. For me, I'm really going to miss this place. I met my three best friends here. I learned how to drive in the school parking lot after school my junior year. I met my boyfriend of three years here. My life has been so predictable and normal, I don't want it to end.

I don't even know what I want to do as a career yet. After years of trying to decide, nothing really has appealed to me. Picking a job that will determine the rest of my life is difficult. I don't want to just pick anything, and not be happy doing the same thing everyday for the rest of my life.

As I wait for the rest of my class's names to be called, I fidget with the charm bracelet on my wrist. There's a heart, a D, and a B. Dylan got it for me for our two year anniversary. I haven't taken it off since.

"The class of 2018 may now turn their tassels from right to left, and on the count of three throw your caps up in the air," our principal tells us.


Everyone throws their caps to the sky. It's as if time stops and everything moves in slow motion, I graduated.

I lose sight of my cap as soon as it leaves my hand. Before I can find it, Dylan finds me and wraps his arms around me. His crystal blue eyes stare deeply into my dark brown, almost black ones. "We did it!" He says picking me up in excitement. He smells of coconut and cigarettes, a nasty habit that he refuses to give up.

An identical pair of blue eyes comes up behind Dylan, holding two caps. "I found yours, Bella," Taylor says handing me my blue cap. Dylan and Taylor are twins, but their only similarity is their looks.

"Let's blow this popsicle stand," Mia says coming out of no where. Her tight blonde curls bounce with every step she takes. Unlike me, Mia has been waiting to graduate since freshman year. She wants to be a cosmologist, which suits her.

My four friends and I leave the football field for the last time. Dylan drives everyone home and when we stop at my house, he gives me a peck on the cheek. "Night babe," he says.

Usually his goodbyes are more sweet, but I assume he's just tired and knows he'll see me early tomorrow morning.

When I get inside the house, I already know my parents aren't home. My mom is a caregiver and stays at her employers home overnight most days. My dad is a road worker and his busiest time is at night. They both missed my graduation.

It's not like they meant to, they're there for me when I need them, most of the time. They just have to work a lot to get by, I keep telling myself.

My toy poodle, Lady, follows me into my room. She's named after the famous Disney character, but doesn't look the part. My Lady's white fur doesn't match the animated characters' golden tan. "I'm gonna miss you little girly," I say to her as I ruffle the fur on her head. She shakes her head in response.

I finish packing for Disney World. I pack a couple more shorts and tank tops and a hoodie just in case it gets cold at night. I get to bathroom supplies and medications. I put my toothbrush and toothpaste in my suitcase, and my hand hovers over my anxiety meds.

None of my friends know I take medication for my anxiety and panic attacks. Dylan and the others just think I get worked up and freak out over little things when I have my panic attacks. I'm too afraid they will think I'm a freak if they knew I take medicine for anxiety.

After I finish packing, I toss and turn trying to fall asleep. This time tomorrow, I'll be in Disney World.


Hi guys! So, Disney is one of my favorite things in the whole wide world, so I thought let's make a fan fiction! I've been working on this story for the past year and a half I think. I got my inspiration from the story "Oh my Disney" on here so you guys should go read it if you like this book! I'm going to be posting a chapter probably once a week. I really hope you guys like this story because I put a lot of planning into it and I'm so excited to share it with you all! 💙

I just graduated high school a few weeks ago and I decorated my cap inspired by Tangled!

I just graduated high school a few weeks ago and I decorated my cap inspired by Tangled!

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Comment your favorite Disney movie! Mine is Big Hero 6

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