Chapter Nine

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My breathing suddenly becomes heavy and I grab hold of a nearby metal pole to steady myself. I don't know if I can do this, why did I tell Eric I could do this?

"Hey, what's wrong?" James asks from behind me. I ignore him and concentrate on my breathing. You're fine, Bella. You can do this, I tell myself. I catch my breathe and return my attention to James.

"Nothing, I'm fine."

"Places everyone!" Someone shouts through a blow horn.

"Are you ready?" James asks me.


"Just smile the whole time," he grabs my hand, "and follow my lead."

Our float starts moving as soon as the gate to the park opens. The music starts up and I remember it from my first day here. Here goes nothing. I curl my mouth into the biggest smile I can muster, and hope for the best. As people start to come into view, I wave until James pulls at my arm to face him.

He places his other hand on my waist and whispers, "Dance." I place my hand on his shoulder and we do a mini slow dance before pulling apart again.

I notice a little girl in the crowd dressed in a similar yellow dress as me. I make sure to wave directly at her, hoping to make her day. I keep smiling and waving in between the slow dancing, and before I know it, the parade is over.

"You did pretty good for a newbie," James says with a grin. I smile back at him. I personally do think I did okay.

I start walking back to my dressing room, but James stops me. "Hey, do you wanna maybe have dinner with me sometime?"

James is asking me out? I've only known him for a few hours, but I don't really think he's my type. "I'm sorry, James. I'm just not really looking to date anyone right now."

"Oh, alright. I'll see you around then," he says before walking away disappointed.


When I meet up with Eric again in the lobby in the center of the tunnel, he tells me he has another surprise for me.

"Another one? I think I'm all surprised out for one day." I lean back in my chair, exhausted. I'm not used to wearing a costume in the heat.

"You're not even up for an after hours cast party?" he raises his eyebrows at me.

"Yes, even for a- wait what?"

"The park is closing at seven tonight for a special cast party. And," he pauses dramatically, "You're a cast member today, so you can come."

I grin, "That sounds like fun."

"So you'll come?"



Emily lends me a simple light pink dress for the party because I only brought a T-shirt and shorts with me. The straps are slightly too big and almost fall off the sides of my shoulders, but it'll have to do.

I find Emily and Eric in the lobby when I finish getting ready. Emily's hand is on his shoulder and she's laughing at something he said. Of course they're dating or like each other. My chest tightens at the thought. Why didn't I realize this earlier?

"He's the reason you didn't want to have dinner with me, isn't he?" James says, coming up from behind me.

I avert my eyes away from Eric and Emily, ugh even their names sound good together. "Eric? No, he's not the reason."

"You were staring at Pan like you're in love him or something."

I cringe at the word love, "I barely know him," I stare down at the ground, "Plus, I don't think I even know what love is anymore."

"Well, whatever it is, you're definitely in it with him."

James leaves before I can argue anymore. I go back to watching Eric and Emily. How would James of all people know who I'm in love with anyway?

"Bella!" Eric catches me staring and waves me over to them. I put on a fake smile and join them. "Emily was just telling me about last years cast party."

"A couple of people started up Space Mountain for us all, maybe they'll do it again tonight," Emily explains.

"Space Mountain?" I don't think I want to try that again...

"That would be fun right? We should all go on it if we can. It would be totally spooky this late at night, and with no one around," Eric continues.

"Um... I don't know."

"Well, meet me there later guys. Hopefully it will be up and running." Emily runs off.

"C'mon, let me show you something really cool." Eric leads me up from the tunnels near Cinderella's Castle. A few hundred people are already gathered in front.

I begin walking that way, but Eric stops me, "We're going this way," he gestures towards a pathway leading behind the castle, "We'll catch up with everyone later."

I shrug and follow next to him. With such a small amount of people in the park, I can hear the music playing loud and clear. Can You Feel the Love Tonight begins to pour from the speakers. Eric grabs my hand, "Do you trust me?"

Trust a guy I've only known for a week? "Yes."

He smiles mischievously and then starts running down the pathway, dragging me with him. Fireflies bolt out of nearby bushes and light up the park around us.

"Woah," I whisper in awe.

"It's the only time we can run through the park, and the fireflies are pretty cool too." Eric stops running when we get to the entryway of Be Our Guest, Beauty and The Beast's castle themed restaurant.

"I thought I'd bring Belle to her castle." Eric bows in front of me.

"It's beautiful," I say as we walk across the bridge to get inside the castle.

"Just wait until we get to the ballroom."

We pass beautiful paintings and sets of armor. When we enter the ballroom, I gasp. It's an exact replica of the movie.

"Here, help me move the tables," Eric tells me. I feel like we shouldn't be doing this, but help push a few tables and chairs out of he way anyway. When we're finished, Eric runs over to a wall hidden behind a curtain and presses a button. Beauty and The Beast spews out from overhead speakers.

"May I have this dance, princess?" He holds out his hand to me.

"Yes, you may." I place my hand in his and my other one on his shoulder. We slow dance like in the movie, well as close as we can on the count of me never taking any ballroom dance lessons. I feel as though I'm in a fairytale. Ever since I met Eric my life has seems to have turned into one.

The song ends and we stop dancing, but linger in our dance position. His deep brown eyes stare into mine and I think he begins to lean into me. Is he going to kiss me? I close my eyes and wait for our lips to meet.


I keep forgetting to post on Sunday and end up posting on Monday 🤦🏻‍♀️

Who's your favorite Disney couple? Mine is probably Rapunzel and Eugene or Belle and the Beast

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