Chapter Ten

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"Guys, in here!" Someone yells behind me. Eric and I jump apart. A group of people enter the ballroom. Leading them is James.

"Bella," He looks from me to Eric, "Pan."

"What are you guys doing here?" Eric asks.

"This is where most of us are coming to eat. Weren't you guys at the welcome meeting?" James raises his eyebrows at the two of us.

"Uh, no. We missed it," I say.

Eric and I join the rest of the cast members for dinner. I try French onion soup and chicken. Eric has steak and charred octopus, which I find repulsive. "Ready to meet up with Emily at Space Mountain?" Eric asks me once we're finished.

"Um, actually I don't really want to ride Space Mountain."

"What? Why?"

I sigh, "Remember the day we met?"


"I had a panic attack over almost going on Space Mountain with my friends."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Bella. I forgot the dark triggers those," he says understanding, "We don't have to go then. We can just wait for the fireworks."

"No, I don't want you to miss out on having fun because of me."

"Bella," he reaches across the table and holds my hand, "I have fun with you. I can ride Space Mountain whenever I want."


We find a spot for the fireworks right in front of the castle, after I change out of Emily's dress. I shiver as the wind blows towards us. "Are you cold?" Eric asks me.

I rub my arms, trying to warm up, "Yeah, a little."

He takes off his blue jacket and slings it over my shoulders. "Thanks," I whisper. I pull my arms into the sleeves and feel instantly warmer. "You know, this is my first time seeing the fireworks at this park."

"Seriously? Magic Kingdom's are the best," he exclaims. I love how into Disney we both are.

"Hm, I don't know Epcot's were pretty amazing."

"Well, you're in for a treat." As if on cue, the fireworks begin. Lights shine on Cinderella's Castle, showing different scenes from various Disney movies, changing with the music. Some of the fireworks are even shaped as Mickey heads.

"So, what did you think?" Eric asks as we walk out of the park, back to the buses.

"Okay, I admit it. They were more amazing than Epcot's."

"Yes!" He pumps his fists into the air. I laugh, but stop in the middle of it when I think of going back to the hotel. "What's wrong?" He always seems to notice when my happy mood fades.

"I left my friends and boy- I mean ex again. And, it's late and I'll wake them up." I try to check the time time on my phone, but realize it's dead.

"You're right, it's past 1am. You can stay at my place if you want." Eric suggests. "You can sleep in my bed, I'll sleep on the floor," he quickly adds.

I think for a moment before responding. I really don't want to face Dylan or Sylvie this late at night. "Okay, I need to charge my phone anyway."

"Great! You can borrow my charger when we get there." Eric and I take a bus to a bus stop close to his house. I follow him through the neighborhood of similar two story houses. We stop in front of one with a green door instead of a brown one like the rest.

"My mom wanted to be slightly different from everyone else," he tells me referring to the door.

"Wait, are you parents going to be okay with me staying the night?"

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