Chapter Eight

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When I call Eric and he tells me the news, I'm in shock. "A Disney Princess? I get the chance to be Belle?" I repeat what he has just told me.

"Yes," he says laughing to himself on the other end. Sylvie gives me a confused look, and I tell her I'll explain later.

"How?" I turn my attention back to Eric.

"Our Belle who usually does parades is sick, and our alternate Belle is booked all day in another park," he explains.

I shake my head in disbelief, "Okay, but why me?" I don't see how I'm the best fit for the job. My anxiety always gets the best of me.

"Because I suggested you to my manager. Plus, you'd be perfect to play Belle. You look the part and you won't even have to talk or anything, just smile and wave." He says it like it's the easiest thing in the world.

I run my fingers through my long brown hair. It might be a little too long to match Belle's, but my brown eyes match perfectly. "Still, I don't know anything about makeup or how to do my hair like hers."

"I'll find someone to do all of that for you, don't worry about any of that. Just meet me where we first met at 9 am tomorrow morning. I'll handle everything."

He hangs up and I stand there in disbelief. I've always wanted to be a princess. Could my dream really come true? Even if it's just acting?

"Why are you so smiley?" Sylvie asks, as we walk back to our friends.

"So, I'm not supposed to really tell you this, can you keep a secret?"

"Of course I can, Bella."

"Eric plays Peter Pan in Magic Kingdom. He offered to let me be Belle in a parade tomorrow." I push my hair behind my ear.

"Oh... so, you'd miss our final day with us here?"

I didn't think about that... "This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, Sylvie, and my dream."

"Why do you keep running off with him anyway? I don't understand why you want to keep hanging out with this boy you just met."

"We're just friends, and he's been really nice to me and fun to hang out with. Dylan's been barely paying attention to me anyway."

"I guess, just don't go running into anything without thinking about it first, alright?"

"Alright." I'm pretty sure my mind is already made up, but I'll think about it some more later.

We meet up with our friends, and the rest of the day goes by smoothly. We explore Pandora, Dinoland, and walk through an animal trail. I'm glad we all stayed together today. When we get back to our hotel, Dylan stops me before we enter the building.

"Bella, can we talk?"

"Sure, what's up?" I ask cheerfully.

"This trip has really opened my eyes to things," he takes a short pause as if gathering his thoughts, "You've made me so happy these past three years, but I don't think we're both happy anymore."

My heart starts to race, "What are you saying?"

"I'm going to college, and you're not sure what you want to do yet... I just think we need this next year to explore and learn about ourselves."

My voice shook, "You're breaking up with me?" I step back, away from him. "You're breaking up with me in Disney World?"

"Yes...I am. I'm so-" I run off before he can finish his sentence. How could he do this to me here?

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