11. New Beginnings .

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(Tyler POV)

A month has gone by, and Josh an I have moved into our new apartment. Lately things have been good. Really good actually. I talk to my mom regularly, telling her all the new things and how close me an Josh are now. Literally, I still talk to my mom about boys like I did all through middle and high school.  My mother suspected I was gay, and I didn't really realize it myself under high school. She accepted me easily, unfortunate, my father at the time did not. 

Everyone in high school knew I was gay, which I thought was a reason Josh never spoke to me.

Today me an Josh went furniture shopping because we thought it would be a good idea to have more than two couches, a mini fridge, and a television in our home. We ended up buying one bed, it was Josh's idea. He said it would be fine because were only friends. Hearing that disappointed me, but I didn't know why I expected him to say anything else. He let me buy another piano and things so I could paint. Painting always made me feel better. It was something that would help me if I was ever anxious. I knew that whatever I painted, only I could understand it. Later on that evening, we were sitting in the living room when Josh told me he had a surprise for me. He walked into the bedroom, or should I say our bedroom. He was in there for a few, and he came back with his backpack. He sat on the floor infront of me, and began taking various things out of the backpack. Drumsticks, crumbled up papers, and notebooks. I still had no idea what he was doing.

"Josh, what are you looking for?." He looked up as if telling me to wait.

"It's.. It's somewhere in here I swear." 

"B-but Josh it's not THAT big, there can't possibly be anything else-"

"Ahh, here it is!." Josh pulls out even more notebooks, but they were familiar.

He got on his knees an handed me the notebooks.

They were mine from when I lived back home. They were all full with poems I wrote, and even my notebook filled with my first songs. "No Phun Intended" I say to myself. I smile and look at Josh, and he gives me the biggest smile back. I tear up while looking at him, before throwing myself off the couch to hug him. He ends up falling on the floor, and I land on top of him. I have my arms around him, and unexpectedly, he puts his arms around me too.

"Happy?" He says smiling. I nod my head, and bury my head into the crook of his neck. I am thankful. I am really really thankful. I let go of Josh and roll onto my side so I can look at him. He's beautiful. I live with the most perfect person on the planet. I stare at him, only to be interrupted.

"Tyler?. You okay there?." He laughs, he definitely noticed I was staring at him.

"Uh yeah, yeah I'm fine. What's up?." He looks away, hesitant to ask a question.

"Can you sing me one of your songs?." 

I look back at him, automatically becoming anxious. I have never sang infront of anyone. I always planned on sharing my music, but I never actually planned on when I would.

"I don't know Josh.. I'd mess up and none of my songs are good. I haven't sung infront of anyone before, and i'm just nervous." 

He looks at me, and tries to make the baby face. You know, the kind where they make their eyes big and put out their bottom lip? That one. He's trying so hard. He just wants me to sing. I mean, afterall he did bring me my book with all my songs, and we did start a new life out of nowhere. I think about it for a second, and I realize that maybe he did deserve atleast one song.

"Okay, if you say so." He looks at me has a huge smile. We go into the bedroom, and I pull my keyboard onto our bed, along with my notebook.

"You gotta promise you won't make fun of me, okay?" He reassures me everything will be fine, and tells me to play.

"You have nothing to worry about Tyler, really. I bet you do just fine."

I take a deep breath, and begin to sing. My voice is shaking at first, but I ease into it. Josh was right, I have nothing to worry about.

"I don't know where I'm supposed to go, So I might just Take my pride and go. Some people, they know, know everything. But I know that they don't know my heart. Cause I believe in love And I hope I can show you what I mean. And I don't believe love's for me. So won't you come around and prove me wrong. Cause I, oh yeah I Believe in love. And I hope I can show you what I mean. And I don't believe love's for me.So won't you come around and prove me wrong."

And that was the first time I ever sang. And I sang infront of the one who means most to me.

Hear Me, Josh (Joshler) **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now