23. Possibilities .

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(Josh's POV)

Me an Tyler just laid there for a few. We kept kissing eachother, over and over again. It never got old. Tyler, never got old.

We kept staring at one another, admiring the features of eachother. Tyler had these eyes that you could get lost in. They were chocolate brown, and sparkled whenever the light hit them the right way. His lips were a light pink an were very soft. His hair was a brown mess, I always loved to run my fingers through it. His collarbones were very defined, I loved to kiss them. His chest was soft; Tyler was a small person, I am able to put my arms around him an hold his body close.

We ended up getting out of bed and going to take a shower. Tyler wouldn't be farther then a foot or two away from me, even though our shower wasn't huge.. He was more attached as usual. It isn't something unusual for him to be this attached, it happened before, it happened before something good came around.

I sometimes wonder if he can sense these types of things. If something good is about to happen.

I was rubbing soap into Tyler's hair, his back against my chest. He was humming some song, I don't know what it was, obviously. He started to sing, eyes closed, feeling the warm water of the shower rain down on him.

"You are surrounding all my surroundings

Sounding down the mountain range

Of my left-side brain

You are surrounding all my surroundings

Twisting the kaleidoscope

Behind both of my eyes"

I smile to myself as I listen to him sing. I lean over an place a kiss on his cheek, making him stop singing. I feel him smile when I press my lips against him the second time at the corner of his mouth.

"Your voice is beautiful Babyboy. Make more music with me before we go to bed." Tyler was hesitant, I heard him whine a little bit before turning to me to wash the soap out of his hair. "Cmon Baby, please? Lemme hear your precious voice again." He leans forward an wraps his arms around my neck, running his hands up through my curls an resting back at the bottom of my neck. He kisses me before leaning his forehead against my own closing his eyes and trying to find some peace in the situation.

He yawns which gives me a feeling that he is about to say no. I sign an he grabs my chin, squishing my cheeks together.

"Yes Joshua, we can make music before we go to sleep. But only one song, okay?. You tired me out on nights like this." He goes on his tiptoes to kiss my nose, before he starts to soap up my hair and body.


It's about 1:30am, an I am sitting at my drum set waiting for Ty. I should probably just wait till the morning, but what Tyler was singing in the shower was something different. It was different then what he usually sings around the house and from what he usually writes. I didn't want him to lose it by morning. I mean, of course Tyler had it written down somewhere. But I already heard him sing it, all he had to do was play it once an then I'd play alone.


Except it being 1:30am, in an apartment complex. Not so simple.

Tyler walks over wearing only basketball shorts. His hair is still wet an he's rubbing his eyes trying to wake himself.

"Tyler babe?. We don't have to do this if you don't wanna. I know you're tired and I know the landlord won't appreciate us being loud at this time at night just let me know an-"

Tyler walked over an pressed a finger to my lips making me stop talking.

"Joshua, we are playing tonight. I wanna record the song too, I wanna put it out there like the other one," He walks over to the dresser, taking his keyboard from the side of it , "By the way, how did that turn out?"

I pull out my phone an check the video statistics. I haven't looked at them once since I posted the video. I didn't have high expectations and I didn't think anyone was actually going to see it. But to my surprise, there was about 25,000 views and about 1,000 comments, with around 3,000 in likes. I had the biggest grin across my face. I stand up an walk to Tyler, wrapping my arms around him, picking him up an spinning him.

"Joshie lemme see! I wanna see how good we did!"

I show him my phone an he squeals before placing kisses all over my face.

"Look Ty, the comments. People have been asking for another song. We should do it. We shold do it right now!"

I was practically racing over to my drums, sitting down like a child waiting for dinner. I was eager, eager to play, eager to make music for all the people that liked us already."

"Joshie?" Tyler was sitting on our bed, looking down at the piano keys.

"Yeah Babylove?"

He looks up at me, playing with his fingers. "Do you think this is where things start getting big? You know, like how bands an singers post online an get noticed? I had a feeling earlier when we were in the shower. I had a feeling like something good was going to happen soon. Do you think this is it?"

All I can do is smile, because Tyler new exactly what I was feeling.

"Maybe Ty, I think maybe this will be. Who knows, maybe one day we will become goofy celebrities in band that plays music for millions. Maybe one day we'll sell out theaters! Or or, maybe even arenas! Can you imagine that Ty? We'd be rockstars!" We both laugh, knowing that it's a very small chance, practically impossible.

"You'll always be my rockstar Jishwa." He blew me a kiss before settling himself on the bed.

He played through the song once, giving me a sense of how it would sound.

"Got it Joshie?"

I nod, smiling back at him. "Got a name for it Babe?"

Tyler looks at me, then looks at the ceiling, then looks at the window.

"Hmmm. I call it Holding On To You."

I laugh a little, positioning my drums around until they are perfect.

Before I press record on the laptop, I turn to Tyler. I'm smiling so much it hurts, I can feel happiness all over. "Ty baby, you're so beautiful. I hope one day I can sell out arenas with you."

Tyler an I took a big breath as I pushed the record button. Tyler started to play an sing, an I eventually followed.

"I'm taking over my body

Back in control, no more shotty

I bet a lot of me was lost..."


By the time we finished playing, doing final touches, and uploading the video, it was almost 3:00am. We could tell we woke up some people in the apartment because of the occasional bangs on the door. We didn't care, all we would do is laugh about it.

We were making music, that's all that mattered.

We settled in bed, turning off the lights before snuggling up against once another. Tyler turned on his side on he was facing me. I put my arms around his back, pulling him even closer. He looked up at me and smiled.

He reached up, pulling my head downwards so he could kiss me.

"Joshie?.." Tyler spoke with worry in his voice.

"Yes Baby?."

"Do you think we'll be noticed?." He was worried, I could tell. He wanted this so bad. I wanted this opportunity so bad too. It would be a dream, a dream of ours would come true.

"I hope so Tyler, I really hope so. This is a big world, over 8 billion people. We have a chance. They're are so many chances. It could be a possible. I really hope it's possible. I wanna get far with you. I wanna be a rockstar with the love of my life. This is our new dream, and hopefully, this dream will absolutely come true. Because any dream that involves you is a really good dream. You are the best thing in my life Baby, an if this really happens, I promise you I will make any of your dreams a reality. "

I could feel Tyler smile against my chest, pressing him lips over my heart.

"Anything for you Babyboy. Anything for you."

Hear Me, Josh (Joshler) **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now