Chapter 10

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Adrianna’s POV

Today is the day. Coronation. Since it’s in the morning I decided to get ready at Harry’s flat and then he would drive me to school and watch. I was going to wear the long blue dress my mom bought me for prom last year before the accident, I didn’t end up wearing it and it’s just been sitting in my  closet since. I slip it up and a tear rolls down my face.


“Oh my, honey you look stunning in that!” My mom exclaims. I do a little twirl and watch the fabric swing out around me. “That is the one!” She says. She grabs my hand and starts running toward the cash register.

“Mom I have to take it off.” I shriek.

“No, we need to buy it now; it is so gorgeous on you.” My mom walks up to the lady at the register who gives me a weird look but scans the dress on my body anyways.

Flashback over***

I smile thinking about the silly memory, more tears falling down my cheeks. That was how my mother was, spur of the moment. Harry walks in and I spin around to face him. I can feel the huge smile on my face and the tears falling down my cheeks. He just stares at me for a minute, he probably thinks I’m mental.

“Are you okay?” He asks cautiously.

“Yeah,” I giggle, “My mom bought this for me last year for prom and I never wore it; just brings back memories.”

“Well I see why she bought it, you look absolutely gorgeous.” My cheeks flamed up and I probably had a stupid grin on my face. “Now let’s get going.” He says grabbing my hand.


When we arrive at the school Harry puts on a very realistic stick on mustache and a baseball hat. He then pulls all of the curls into the hat and I am surprised that they all fit. He pulls on a pair of shades and hops out of the car me following close behind.


“And now let’s welcome our third nominees, Natalie and Matthew.” The announcer says over the loud speaker. Natalie and Matt begin walking down the red carpet that runs along the gym floor waving at the audience until they reach the stage where they climb up the stairs and get into their positions by the first two couples.

“And now for the fourth nominees, Adrianna and Cory.” I can feel my heart beat and Cory’s arm snakes around my waist. I take a few steps and feel my sweaty feet slipping in my heels. As I were nearing the stage Cory pinches my side causing me to flinch and almost miss the steps. We walk across the small stage next to Natalie and Matthew as the next nominees are called. I look in the crowd for Harry but can’t spot him. Cory removes his hand from my back and I can hear myself let out a sigh of relief. Just as I was about to feel calm I feel his nasty hands land on my butt giving it a slight squeeze. Obviously nobody notices and I contemplate making a scene but quickly decide against it. His hand continues to massage my butt and I can feel my eyes water up. He leans forward and I can feel him breathing down my neck.

“Missed me didn’t you?” He asks in a seductive voice. I decide to just ignore him and hope he gets the point.

“Well, I know that I missed you.” He says massaging my butt harder.

“Please stop.” I beg him.

“Faster?” He says. Speeding the pace of his hand.

“No.” I say.

“Harder?” He says pressing his hand into my butt with a great force.

“No.” I say through gritted teeth.

“I know what you-“He begins but gets interrupted.

“Prom king goes to Cory Mount.” The announcer says and the whole gym erupts in cheers. I literally pray to god that I won’t win, “and now for the time you have all been waiting for, prom queen goes to Natalie Sharp.”

I let out a huge breathe that I didn’t even know that I was holding and follow everyone else off the stage. I quickly run to the bathroom. I open the biggest stall and lock it behind me. I then curl op on the toilet and let out the tears that I had been holding in. Sobs left my mouth until I heard the door open.

“Aid?” Harry called into the bathroom. Just hearing his voice made me let out another embarrassing sob. HE obviously heard because I could hear his shoes walking in. Then his head appeared from under my stall door.

“Open up.” He says and I immediately do what he asks. He walks in and locks the door behind him kneeling down in front of me. “What did he say to you?” He asks in a calm voice.

“He just asked me if I missed him and told me he missed me.” I say my voice wobbling with every word.

“Are you sure that’s all he said?” He asks. I nod, “That wasn’t what it looked like, your face made it look like he was raping you.” He says the words and I break down again.

“He kept squeezing my butt and massaging it and every time I told him to stop he would go faster or harder.” I cry. I see Harry’s jaw tighten and his eyes turn a dark shade of green. He takes in a deep breath and I’m worried about what he is thinking.

“Don’t worry about it Harry, it’s fine, I’m fine.” I say wiping my tears away.

“No you’re not, and you shouldn’t be. That Fuck up can’t just walk away from everything he’s done to you unharmed. I’m going to make him pay. Stay here.” He says standing up and beginning to walk away.

“No Harry, please don’t” I say running after him while he just ignores him. I follow him into the cafeteria where I see Cory eating a cupcake with some of his friends. I stop and watch Harry walk up to him and take his cupcake. First Cory looks shocked, then he looks angry but before he can react Harry’s fist is connecting with his face and he is knocked to the ground. I stand and stare with my jaw on the ground. Cory spits out some blood and gets to his feet but Harry is already gone. I look around for a boy with a baseball hat on but don’t see him anywhere. Little by little I watch people’s attention turn to me, probably because of my puffy cheeks and streaked mascara.

Suddenly I feel a hand slip into mine and I spin around to see a boy with a sweatshirt over his head and I realize its Harry. I turn and we walk in silence to his car.

“What the hell was that?” I growl at him as soon as the doors were closed.

“I punched him.” He shrugs.

“I know, what were you thinking?” I yell at him.

“Aid, he sexually assaulted you. I was just acting on my impulse. I don’t regret it for a minute.” He says.

“Take me to my house.” I say through clenched teeth.

“No.” He says.

“Harry I am not kidding.” I say.

“Why Aid? Why was it so bad that I punched the kid?” He asks in a very pushy way.

“Because Harry. That’s how it started; he was just getting into little brawls because it made him feel in control of the situation. And soon he felt the need to control me, so he hit and punched me. You think you have it in control now but I’m scared that one day you won’t, and you’ll treat me exactly like Cory treated me. All of the signs are there Harry. You use physical harm to control situations and get mad easily. Harry it scares me.” I say, I don’t notice the tears streaming down my face for the millionth time today.

“Aid,” he says in a whisper, “The last thing I would ever want to do is to hurt you, you mean so much to me and it pains me to see you hurt. That’s why I punched him. Because he hurt you. I know I can get out of control, but you make me want to change that about myself. I’m so sorry Adrianna, the last thing I want is for you to be scared of me.” He says. I continue lookingout the window as Harry drives us to his house. Somewhere along the way I fall asleep to the rumbling of the engine and Harry’s breaths.




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