Chapter 10: Rage

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Adraer Tirrin

"No!" I saw her fall. Her small body hitting the trees. I ran as fast as I could, I can't lose her.

I saw her limp body laying on the forest floor. Blood covered her neck, alone with gashes and little scratches from the fall.

She was barely awake. I picked her up gently, but her eyes rolled back into her head. I started crying picking her up all the way and started running back to them.

Tarnas was already grabbing bandages from his satchel. I sat her down lightly and he started looking at the wound, "I don't know.." I yelled, "Now is not the time for this Naz. Please help her."

He sighed starting to patch her wound. None helped stop the bleeding, "Rin the bleeding won't stop."

I grabbed her hand. Hot tears running down my face fast, "Come on Zae, I can't lose you too."

There was a woman's voice behind me, " Zae?" I looked behind and the woman ran up to her, "No, she can't die, not my sisters little flower."

I grabbed her shoulder,"Who are you." She looked back crying, "I am her Aunt, Novair Dewshield." I looked her in the eye, "Can you save her."

She nodded, "Yes my dear, I can."

She stood, holding her hands out over Zae, mumbling words. Both of their eyes started glowing white as glowing green streaks came from Novair's hands, wrapping around Zae's neck and to her cuts.

It took a moment, but she collapsed to her knees exhausted from the exertion. Zae looked at peace now.

"There, she will be sore, but she will live." I helped her up heading to the house, "You need to get some rest, you can stay with us if you want."

She nodded, "I will, Zae needs her family." I smiled helping her up the steps, "Thank you so much for helping her."

I set her down on a chair that was still in one piece, starting to clear the living room and starting the fireplace.

"He did this didn't he." I sighed, "Yes, and his son almost killed Zae, I swear if they ever come after her again i will physically break all of them."

She got up placing a hand on my shoulder, "Peace child. They probably think she's dead."

I finished the fire, "You're probably right." She smiled, "I'll go look for blankets."

I nodded, "I'll fetch her."

I went out picking her up, she was cold. I held her close heading inside.

Nor had gotten some blankets and made a few make shift beds. I layed Zae in one.

She woke up looking up at me lifting her head slightly, her voice was quiet,"Rin?" I pulled a blanket over her grabbing her hand gently, "I'm here."

She smiled, "Can you lay with me?" I nodded, "Ya, of course." I took off my armor and my shirt laying with her holding her close.

She pressed her cheek to my chest, "Thank you for helping me through this."

I ran my figures through her hair, "Any time." She looked up at me with a big smile. I looked down into her eyes. They melt my heart whenever she looks at me.

I love her. I know that now. The urge was so great, I couldn't resist leaning down to kiss her.

We kissed for a moment, her lips were warm on mine. When we separated she rolled over pressing her back to me.

I wrapped my arms around her keeping her close. She slid her fingers between mine. Her hair smelled like mint, it was nice.

I put my head by hers, "Zae, I love you." She turned slightly to look at me and smiled, "I love you to Rin."

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