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Kaylie's pov

I left early this morning to find Harry's grave to see if Niall actually killed him.

I'd never think that he would do that to one of his best mates but you never know.


8 hours later


I have been walking and walking!! I saw a big boulder and decided to rest on that. I layed my body down on it belly down and placed my cheek against the coldish surface of the stone. I was about to close my eyes when I spotted some numbers written on the rock with like a pebble or something. They said '1994' and I shot up off the rock immediately forgetting that I just walked 8 hours. I looked at the rock over all and it was dirty. So I brushed it off with my hands to find it had a name on it.....

Harry Styles


1/5 of One Direction

Loving Lad Will Be Missed


From then on I knew that Niall didnt mean could just tell and I had a gut feeling. I ran around the boulder to see if I could find anyhing. I spotted a hole right next to the stone like someone or something was digging into where he was buried. I stuck my hand in there and it was curly hair , no I thought about that and started to walk further into the forest.

Farrah's pov

I finally made it to the small town I used to call home to search for Niall because I have seen that Kaylie can't live without him. I thought of where he could be and I figured a pub. So I stopped at the one nearest pub to look for him. I pushed open the door to be smacked in the face with the aroma of acohol and beer or pints as Niall would put it. I strutted to the bar and asked the bar tender if he had seen anybody with a medium build, crystal blue eyes, and bleach blonde hair with a bit of brown. He nodded and pointed to the end stool. Then and There I saw a big black hoodie and wolf grey sweat pants with white Reeboks. I smiled a bit and gathered my confidence to talk to him. I walked to him and sat on to the stool next to him.

"Niall?", I asked and lightly put a hand on his shoulder.

"What do you want Farrah?", he asked coldly while looking at me with red puffy eyes and a cloudy colored orbs. I think he was silently crying.

"Are you ok?", I asked. He completely ignored my question.

"Oh my god is Kaylie ok? Are the lads doin' ok? Do they need me help? Is there anybody attacking them?", he blurted out. I smelled his breath when he was talking and he has definitely been drinking beer.

"Niall....don't worry about that....Kaylie is so depressed...she misses you and Harry...", I started to get teary eyed thinking about last night.

"Really?", he asked admonished.

"Yea and last night she was drinking...a lot...and she said that she didnt want to live without you or Harry and she was worthless...that she-she-.....", and thats when I collapsed into tears. Niall gave me a reassuring hug. I pulled away after gaining my control back.

"She said she wanted to k-kill herself....", I said and Niall's eyes widened.

"No she can't I'll be heartbroken.",he said. And I gave him a look that looked like how-do-you-think-she-feels kind of look.

"How the heck do you think she feels?! She has been so depressed and she needs you.....cant you get that?! Did you not see her face when you left?!", I yelled at him. I was so mad he caused my best friend ,who is practically my sister ,pain.

"I didn't think of it that way...I thought all of you hated me...", he said struck with amazement. I just wanted to slap him.

"Niall! You are so oblivious to what is wronf with Kaylie!! Lets go home....ok?", I said and grabbed his wrist to give it an encouraging tug. He sighed and followed me out of the pub.

"Here jump on...", he said once we got to the edge of the woods.

"Ug fine...", I said and jumped on.

It only took 2 mintes to get to the house but it took me two hours to walk to the town. He dropped me off his back so I could walk into the door. I swung it open with a huge smile on my face to find. Zayn, Liam, and Louis stitting on the couch with the TV on but they were just talking and it looked like a serious topic. Their heads swirled around to face me and Niall.

"Niall?", they all asked in unison.

"Hey Lads...", he said and they all stood up to hug him. Or should I say tackle him. lol

"How did you get him to come back? ", Louis asked.

"I told him what happened last night woth Kaylie. And speaking of her where is she?", I asked and started to walk upstairs.

"Dont go up wont find her...", said Louis.

"Why? Where is she?", me and Niall said at the same time.

"She said she was going for a walk and whould be back in like 2 or 3 hours...its been 9....", he said and sat on the couch and threw his hands to cover his face to prevent us from seeing the silent tears.

"Did you guys try looking for her?", I asked my voice strained.

"Yes we looked everywhere! We can seem to pick up her scent!!", Liam said. By now Niall had flushed red cheeks and an concentrated look on his face.

"Niall don't g-", but he interrupted me.

"I'm going to find Kaylie....", he said and ran out of the house.

Harry's pov (in heaven)

To Be Continued.....

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