Chapter 16: Make a Decision

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"Erika, you have a package!" Mary yelled from the door. I threw my book back down on the dining table, making Lucas jump.

"Yes! It finally came!" I dragged the heavy package into the dining room into where Lucas was. He picked it up for me and put it on the dining table. I followed eagerly behind him.

"What is this?"

"You know how I told you that your Christmas gift was delayed in the mail? Well, here it is!" Lucas stared at the package. I almost shoved it in his face. "Go on, open it!"

He opened the big brown package and took out all the bubble wrap. He looked inside the box and his face morphed into surprise.

"No way," he said, sliding the gift out. He admired the large guitar case. "You got me a guitar?"

"Not quite," I said, feeling smug. He unlatched the case and opened it wide. "I got you a custom guitar!" He brushed off the paper and looked at the design that Sophia, Terry and I made. We made a collage of black and white pictures of all of us — Lucas, me, Connor, Blair, Amy and his parents. There was the one of young Lucas performing, our pictures from New Years, and a picture of Lucas holding baby Amy after she was born.

"Erika...this is... this is too much." He admired the collage, his eyes and hands running over each picture, as if each one he touched sent him back in time to the moment the photo was taken.

"Flip it over," I squealed, a clear sign that there was surprise on the back. He flipped it over, still admiring the pictures, which continued on the back. There was a picture a little larger than the others but it was covered by an envelope with just his name on it.

"What's this?" He took off the envelope and his eyes widened at the sight of the picture. It was a picture of Lucas at the talent show with his music teacher, Mrs. Robertson, right after he won the contest. She was at his level and he had his arm around her neck. Below the picture is what I was waiting for. It was signed by his music teacher whom I contacted to get her to sign this.

"No fucking way." Lucas breathed.

I sat on the edge of my seat, savoring this moment.

"The letter is from her as well," I explained. I handed him the letter and he took it from me slowly. He opened the envelope and read the handwritten letter inside. Attached to the letter was a picture of Lucas and Mrs. Robertson in the front of the class. She was sitting playing the guitar and Lucas was standing next to her, singing along with her. He looked at the picture briefly before reading the letter. His hands started to shake as he read and reread it, as if he couldn't believe what he was holding. He lowered the letter slowly and held it in his hand.

To Lucas,

Remember what our motto was? Music isn't just a sound. It is what we use to express ourselves when words aren't enough.

With Love,

Mrs. Robertson

A wet spot dropped onto the paper.

"Oh no! I didn't mean for you to cry. I just thought it would be cool. You don't have to keep it if you don't want it! Stupid-" He just pulled me close and held me tightly.

"Thank you," he whispered. I patted and rubbed his back and moved away.

"It's no problem. You deserve it." He sat back down and read the letter again and again, smiling bigger each time.

"How did you even get a hold of her?" He wiped his face one last time.

"With your mom's help. I was able to get her email from the schools she worked at and, not to sound like a show-off but, my dad was able to pull a few strings."

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