Chapter 27: Patient Zero

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We were waiting for them to get back in the Kingsley kitchen. As soon as we got out of school, we rushed over while hoping that Sophia, Terry, and Marcus would be back but they weren't.

It was close to evening now and they told us that they were almost here. They had packed up and driven north as soon as they got the call from the hospital during the night.

Blair was biting off all her fingernails and Lucas has been shaking his leg nonstop. I was just trying to keep the two of them sane. We were all incredibly worried because with everything that's been happening nothing seemed too preposterous.

The garage door opened and we all stood up from our chairs as they filed into the room. Marcus, Sophia, and Terry came in and they didn't have happy faces.

"What happened? Is she okay?" Blair and Lucas ask at the same time. I pull the two of them back slightly to give the family some space.

"Let them get settled in first. Then we'll talk," I reasoned.

"Thank you," Terry told me and he heated up the pot of coffee on the counter. Marcus got his caffeine at the island and Sophia sat right next to him, putting her hand on his shoulder.

"She's on suicide watch," Marcus said suddenly, rubbing his eyes from the exhaustion.

"What?" We all asked simultaneously.

"She had an incident," Sophia told us, her hand moving in circles on Marcus' back that made him relax just a little bit. "A nurse heard her screaming and gathered some backup. They walked in on her smashing her guitar and trashing her room. She was screaming and crying and yelling at a voice she was hearing. They found a long scratch on her wrist."

"She wrecked her guitar?" Lucas asked in disbelief and Terry nodded in silence.

I couldn't believe it. That guitar meant everything to her; Lucas said she kept it safe in a trunk and in perfect condition. Hearing that she smashed her guitar to bits made me realize that Erika was living in hell.

"Her therapist said she kept screaming, 'You made me break my guitar!'" Terry looked rough. "He said she has 'auditory hallucinations' or a voice that she hears, especially when she has her depressive episodes. He says her case is very severe because she's showing signs of psychosis—hence the hallucinations and delusions. Dr. Abraham said it's as if her depression and anxiety manifests into a voice she hears constantly."

"That makes so much sense now," Lucas said, as if he was thinking out loud.

"What does?" I asked.

"Oh...I guess it's no secret now. When we came back here from the hospital after visiting Marcus, Erika tried to go back but I told her not to because it was really late. She didn't like that so we had an argument. She asked why I even cared about her and that she didn't deserve my kindness. Then Erika locked herself in the closet, yelling, 'Get out of my head!' She was crying and she told me go away."

"What? And you didn't tell anyone?" Blair accused.

I bit my lip. This was getting bad. Everyone was exhausted literally and emotionally.

"She told me not to."

It was a weak defense, but at least Lucas was being honest. In spite of his honesty, I started perking up, knowing the two well enough to know that this could get bad. As much as I love the two whack heads, the two of them arguing is my worst nightmare.

"Maybe if you did, Erika might be here with us," Blair accused.

"So you're saying it's my fault?"

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