Chapter 5

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Charlottes POV

I wake up the next morning and find a text from Henry. I read it, and sigh. He seriously wants to talk to me? He's probably just gonna give me another lecture about Luke. We have school today, so I guess it would be hard to avoid Henry. I get ready for school and leave home. I'm at school in a matter of a few minutes. I speed walk over to my locker but Henry spots me. I open my locker, pretending I can't see him walking up to me. "Charlotte," he taps my shoulder as soon as he approaches me. "We need to talk." Henry says softly, sounding a lot less angry than he did yesterday. "What Henry? I don't have time for your lectures." I told him and he looked serious. "I...I'm...I'm sorry Charlotte, I really am. I can't stop thinking about last night at work." Henry said with sad eyes. He's so cute when he does that, and he knows I give in when he does that.

Henry's POV

I give Charlotte my sad eyes. She can't ignore me now. "I... Forgive you." She says slowly, but I'm so glad she said it. "Look Henry, I'm sorry too. I feel bad for last night because I feel like the argument was my fault." She looks really sad now. She looks to the ground and I grab her hand like last night. But this time she wasn't running away from me, and she didn't want to slip out of my hand. "Please don't feel like that. I'm the one to blame. I'm sorry I'm not supportive." I said as I looked at our fingers that were locked into each others. I couldn't stop thinking about how much i like her, but if I told her, she wouldn't feel the same way. She already loves Luke. I pulled her arm gently and we fell into a hug. Fuzzy. That is the only feeling I feel when I hug her. Fuzzy. It's a weird feeling but it's a great one. It makes you feel all warm and happy. When we pull away from the hug we stare into each others eyes. Fuzzy. "Thank you, Henry." Fuzzy. Just then the bell rings. "Ill see you later, ok?" I say to her as she walks in the direction of her next class. "Of course!" She says back. Fuzzy. But just as she said that, Luke walked up to her and they immediately started talking. Dead.

Hope u liked this chapter!!! It was a bit short but I hope it was interesting! Just before I wrote this chapter I binge watched Henry Danger so I was totally ready to write more Chenry! Btw thank you for all the votes on this book😇 just remember I love to hear ur comments and I would love some more followers, so pls follow me! Since I'm sorta new to watt pad I don't have many followers so yea plssss. Luv u fans byeee

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