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Hey guys I'm back💗
So this isn't a chapter😇
But it is about Henry danger😝
Anyone watch the 2017 Kids Choice Awards?🏆
Well I'm so happy because Henry Danger won 'favourite kids show'😆
I can't even explain the feeling I got when I found out about the award💞
I was screaming on the inside... Really loud lol🤘🏻
And even better....😊
Yes, u go Jace!🤗
I voted like CRAZY for Henry Danger and Jace to win these awards😜
Tbh I really wish Riele was in the 'favourite female actress' category😌
I would have voted a million times for her and I'm sure she would have won👑
So, good job to everyone who voted cause u guys rule!😘
Jace looked so happy I smiled the whole way through his speech when he received it 😂😂
The cast of HD looked over the moon like SERIOUSLY😃😃
Henry Danger RULES and I hope they make a season 4, 5, 6 and hopefully more cause it will be my fave show forever❤️
And, Dan, if ur out there, JUST PUT ONE SCENE OF CHENRY IN AN EP!!😭
It's all we want😰
Just a bit of Chenry... Ok so we want more than one scene but u know what I mean😖😤
I'm so proud of us Chenry shippers😍
We work hard writing fanfics and stories about Chenry👑
Just so we can read Chenry and BELIEVE THAT IT WILL HAPPEN... One day😆
Ok back on point... WE LOVE CHENRY!!!😭😭
Thx for reading guys😆
Leave a comment and tell me what u think about Chenry and Henry danger💖
Stay tuned for the next chapter of 'lies' and PLS PLS PLS vote, comment and follow and KEEP SHIPPING CHENRY💕💕

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