Chapter 13

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Charlotte's POV

For the rest of the school day, me and Henry didn't really talk. After we both told each other we loved one another, it became really awkward. I'm not good with this kinda stuff. We exchanged a few smiles in the halls and in class but we hardly communicated. We didn't tell Jasper about this morning, but he's starting to get a bit curious. I think. Who knows what that boy is thinking! At the moment, it is the last period of the day. People must have also heard about what happened to Luke, because I have been hearing whispers about me all day, followed with a few interested stares. "...he got sent to jail," "...nearly shot Charlotte." These are just a few examples of the things I've heard today.  I just wish I had never met Luke... I wish I had listened to Henry.


That's the school bell. Finally, I'm out! But now I have to go to work and face Henry. He knows I love him, and I know he loves me too. Drama is all I need right now, so I don't know whether to avoid him or talk to him...

Henry's POV

I'm on my way to work when I realise something, I'm going to have to face Charlotte! I don't know why it got so awkward today, I guess we just weren't ready to accept that we both like each other. I get to work, travel down the violent elevator and reach the man cave. The door opens and I see Jasper on the couch, Ray at the snack machine and... Charlotte at the computers. Luckily, her back is turned to me. "Hey look, Henry's here!" Dang it, Ray. "Hey, Hen. How goes it?" Jasper asks as he looks at me, but my eyes travel to Charlotte. She looks back at me and the smallest smile appears on her face. "Uh, yea, good, man." My attention turns back to Jasper. I need to act cool, so I sit down next to Jasper on the couch. "Hey I need to show you something hilarious!" Jasper pulls out his phone and shows me a video of Oliver trying to cartwheel. I don't think gymnastics is his sport. "HAHAHAHA!! That's hilarious! Ray come see this!" I shout out to Ray that seemed very interested. He ran over and stood behind the couch to watch Jaspers phone. "HAHA!! He's... he's so dumb!!" Ray had to stop for breaths since he was laughing so much. "Charl... Charlotte! Come see this!!" Ray was still laughing. "No, it's ok." Charlotte turned the other way. Was she mad about today or something? "Come on, Charlotte! You have been bummed since you got here!" Ray said sadly. "I'm fine, Ray." Charlotte whisper-said. I looked at Ray as if to say, "Please help." As soon as he saw my look, he raised his eyebrows in agreement and said to Charlotte, "I know what will make you happy! Here is 20 dollars. Go buy some corn dogs and bring them back here!" Charlotte walked over, grabbed the money, and went up the tubes without saying anything. "Ok, spill." Ray blurted to me. "Yea, what's wrong with you two?" Jasper said. "Ok, so today I sorta, maybe, kinda, told..." I paused and prepared myself for complete embarrassment. "I admitted my feelings for Charlotte." Oh gosh. "WHAT FEELINGS?!" Ray and Jasper said in unison. "I mean, I sorta... liked Charlotte for a bit." This just keeps getting worse. "I knew it! I knew it! I. Knew. It!!" Ray sang. "Knew what?" "That you had little girly-feelings for Charlotte!" Ray can get a bit immature some times. "Yea, well she said she loves me back." I tried to get even now. There was just a silence now, With Jaspers mouth wide open and Ray just smiling. "Ray, this isn't funny! What am I supposed to do?!" I start to get mad. "Henry, why isn't Charlotte practically even talking to you?" Jasper asked and sat down next to me on the couch again, since he stood up when I broke the news about Charlotte and I. "I don't know, I guess it just got a bit awkward..." they both looked at me with sympathy in their eyes.
"I just want char back."

Hey guys💋I'm back with another chapter! Book will end soon so pls stick around. Hope u guys actually enjoy this book. Sorry for the long wait to update😬 vote, comment and follow xx

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