Chapter 7

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Henry's POV

Charlotte's going on ANOTHER date with Luke? The argument we had yesterday obviously doesn't matter to her, but I did tell her I'd be supportive. I mean, as her best friend, I shouldn't be acting all jealous. But I think of Charlotte as more that just a friend. I really like her... I think... I DON'T KNOW! It's probably not good to have a crush on someone who's already got a boyfriend, so I should try to get over these feelings. Write now my work shift is over, and Charlotte and Jasper are at my house. It's getting late but we don't really care. We are all on the couch in my living room playing video games... Well at least me and Jasper are. Charlottes scrolling through her phone. Probably texting Luke. I can't exactly see what she's doing, but I think she notices me trying to stalk her phone. "Are you alright there?" She says to me sarcastically. "Oh, sorry, just wanted to see what you were doing." "Well don't worry because I'm not texting Luke, if that's what you were thinking." She looked at me and chuckled. Jasper is still playing the video game. "Come on, Char. Grab a control and play!" Jasper said, still not taking his eyes off the screen. "Fine." Charlotte grabbed a control and now the three of us were all playing. I hear Piper storming down the stairs behind us. "I am not ok!!" She stands in front of the television stopping us from seeing the screen clearly. "What's wrong, Piper." I said, not really caring. "Marla posted a picture of herself, me and Gabbie on the Internet, and only tagged GABBIE!!" She gets angry over the smallest things, I swear! "Oh no." I say sarcastically. This obviously made her angry because she grabbed the T.V. remote and switched it right off. The three of us groaned while Piper stood with her arms crossed looking like she was going to explode. "Look, Piper, just find a pic of you, Marla and some other girls and only tag the other girls in the pic, maybe she'll-" I was cut off by the sound of my beeping watch. "Um, Piper, I'll see you later we have to go to work." She didn't really care because instead of responding, she just started looking at photos to post on her phone. Me, Charlotte and Jasper ran to the front porch and shut the door behind us. Piper was already upstairs and back in her room. I flipped my watch open and a hologram of Ray popped up on my wrist. "Henry, come quick, there's a robbery at Swellview Bank and people are being held in there. Charlotte, Jasper, we don't need you guys but we will call you if we need anything. Now hurry, Henry. This could get dangerous." I told him that I will be there soon and he hung up. The hologram popped away. Jasper wished me luck and started to walk home. He didn't live far from my house so it was a short walk. Then it was just me and Charlotte. "Henry, be careful, Ok?" She asked me and looked me right in the eyes. "Of course I will, I am kid danger after all." I smiled, knowing she cared about me. "If you like, tell your parents you are staying late at my house... Studying. At least they will know where you are." She asked politely. "What would I do without you?" I asked and she smiled back. I ran inside quickly, told my parents I'd be 'studying with Charlotte till late', and they said ok. I gave Charlotte a hug and she whispered in my ear, "good luck." I smiled and thanked her and I was off to junk and stuff to meet Ray. On the way there I couldn't stop thinking about how good it felt to hug Charlotte. How could I not like that girl? She is beautiful and cares about me... And she's perfect.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, been busy with school and homework!! Ohhhh yes GO CHENRY GO!! Only did one POV but it was pretty long! Thought I'd put a little kid danger stuff in there, since that's what the shows about, right? Hope u like the book so far, thx for the comments and votes, and especially thx for reading! Nearly have 500 reads and I'm excited! Pls vote, comment and follow. Stay tuned for the next chapter of 'lies' coming soon!! 😇💖💦

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